This is a page of the former Algo team's
web site. It won't be updated any longer.
Seminars from 1996-1997 |
This is a collection of abstracts and summaries of the talks given
at the
Algorithms Seminar
for the year 1996-1997. All of these summaries are available in the
form of a single INRIA research report,
Algorithms seminar, 1996-1997 (Research Report #3267).
Combinatorial Models
- Solvability of Some Combinatorial Problems, by Tony Guttmann (December 02, 1996). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Staircase Polygons, Elliptic Integrals and Heun Functions, by Tony Guttmann (December 02, 1996). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Monoïdes de pièces : évaluation de performance et ordonnancement, by Jean Mairesse (June 02, 1997). Abstract.
- Quelques problèmes combinatoires sur le génome, by Mireille Régnier (March 03, 1997). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Predicting Progress in Physical Mapping Projects: Effects of Inhomogeneity, by Sophie Schbath (February 10, 1997). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
Symbolic Computation
- Un algorithme efficace pour le calcul des solutions rationnelles d'un système différentiel linéaire, by Moulay A. Barkatou (January 27, 1997). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- New Algorithms for Definite Summation and Integration, by Frédéric Chyzak (March 17, 1997). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Solutions d'une équation différentielle algébrique, by Évelyne Hubert (September 23, 1996). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Asymptotique des fonctions implicites et calcul formel, by Bruno Salvy (September 09, 1996). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Differential Equations, Nested Forms and Star Products, by John R. Shackell (September 09, 1996). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Factorisation absolue des opérateurs différentiels, by Jacques-Arthur Weil (January 27, 1997). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
Analysis of Algorithms and Data Structures
- Algorithms for Variable Length Subnet Address Assignment, by Mike Atallah (September 23, 1996). Abstract.
- Recherche de voisin en grande dimension et clustering sur hyper-cube, by Frédéric Cazals (June 30, 1997). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Motifs dans les arbres binaires de recherche aléatoires, by Philippe Flajolet (October 07, 1996). Abstract.
- Propriétés asymptotiques de certains algorithmes de génération de chemins sous-diagonaux, by Guy Louchard (March 03, 1997). Abstract.
- Randomized Binary Search Trees, by Conrado Martinez (December 09, 1996). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Counting Polynomials over Finite Fields and Analysis of Algorithms, by Daniel Panario (October 07, 1996). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Multiple Quickselect, by Helmut Prodinger (June 30, 1997). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Sur la concentration de la hauteur des arbres binaires de recherche, by Mike Robson (June 02, 1997). Abstract.
- Images and Preimages in Random Mappings, by Michèle Soria (November 10, 1996). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Towards Analytical Information Theory: Some Recent Results on Lempel-Ziv Data Compression Schemes, by Wojciech Szpankowski (September 23, 1996). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Systèmes dynamiques et analyse en moyenne des arbres digitaux, by Brigitte Vallée (June 09, 1997). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
Probabilistic Methods
- Probabilités et théorie additive des nombres, trois exemples, by Jean-Marc Deshouillers (January 13, 1997). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Sommes de cubes : aspects algorithmiques et numériques, by François Hennecart (January 13, 1997). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Factorisation de Wiener-Hopf et alignement local de séquences, by Pierre Nicodème (February 10, 1997). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Some Properties of the Cantor Distribution, by Helmut Prodinger (December 09, 1996). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Les méthodes probabilistes pour la coloration des graphes, by Bruce Reed (April 21, 1997). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Factorisation de Wiener-Hopf : méthodes probabilistes, by Philippe Robert (March 17, 1997). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Modèles markoviens de partage de ressources, by Bernard Ycart (November 18, 1996). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
- Modèles markoviens de transfert de charges, by Bernard Ycart (November 18, 1996). Abstract. Summary [ pdf | ps | html ].
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