Absolute Factorization of Differential Operators

Jacques-Arthur Weil

Université de Limoges

Algorithms Seminar

January 27, 1997

[summary by Frédéric Chyzak]

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1   The Problem

Consider the linear ODE y(n)(x)+an-1(x)y(n-1)(x)+...+a0(x)y(x)=0, where the coefficients ai are rational functions of k=C(x) for an algebraic closure C of the rational number field Q. Solving this equation is an easier task when the corresponding linear differential operator in =d/dx,
admits a factorization L=L2L1 where the product denotes composition. The Leibniz rule
· ay=(ay)'=a'y+ay'=(a+a')· y    (aÎ k)
defines a degree on the non-commutative ring A=k[], which makes it left and right Euclidean.

Consider the operator
It can be proved to be irreducible in A, i.e., it admits no factorization L2L1 in A. However, L factorizes over the extension ring k((x)1/2)[]:
L= æ
-(x)1/2 ö
( 2-(x)1/2 ) = æ
+(x)1/2 ö
( 2+(x)1/2 ) .
Note that since (x)1/2 and -(x)1/2 are algebraically and differentially indiscernable, the conjugates of a right factor of L are other right factors of L. In the example above, L is the least common left multiple of both conjugate right factors.

More generally, an operator LÎA is called absolutely reducible when there exists an algebraic extension kext of k such that L is reducible in A ext=kext[] (for a suitable extension of the action of  on kext). For an absolutely reducible operator L with a right factor L1ÎA ext, let L~ be the least common left multiple of the algebraic conjugates of L1. As a simple result of differential Galois theory, L~ is stable under the action of the differential Galois group of the extension A ext over A (to be defined in the next section). This entails that L~ÎA. Since L~ divides L, we have that L is irreducible but absolutely reducible in A if and only if L is the least common left multiple of the conjugates of a right factor L1ÎA ext.

The example above motivates the following problems, sorted by increasing complexity:
  1. find an algorithm to decide absolute reducibility;
  2. find an algorithm to compute a factorization on an algebraic extension;
  3. find an algorithm to compute a factorization on an algebraic extension with absolutely irreducible factors.
The algorithms to solve these problems, reduce to solving ODE's for solutions in special classes. A solution y such that yÎ k is called a rational solution, while a solution y such that y'/yÎ k is called an exponential solution1 and a solution y such that y'/y is algebraic over k is called a Liouvillian solution. An early study on this topic dates back to Liouville [6, 7]. The first algorithm to solve for rational solutions was developed in [1]. It relies on the resolution for polynomial solutions, for which an optimized algorithm is presented in [2]. Next, algorithms for factorization as well as algorithms to solve for Liouvillian solutions rely on the resolution for rational or exponential solutions. Algorithms for factorization are given in [3, 4, 9, 12]. The first algorithm to solve for Liouvillian solutions of second-order ODE's is due to Kovacic [5] and was later elaborated in [11], again in the second-order case. A prototypical algorithm for higher-order equations is to be found in [8] and was highly improved on in [10] in the third order case.

In the remainder of this summary, we comment on an algorithm to solve the second problem.

2   Differential Galois Theory

In the suitable analytical framework, the solution space V of the equation L· y=0 is the C-vector space generated by n linearly independent solutions yi. However, these solutions satisfy algebraic differential relations
Pi ( y1,y'1,...,y1(n-1),...,yn,y'n,...,yn(n-1) ) =0
for polynomials Pi in n2 variables and with coefficients in k. As an example, any solution y1 of the equation y''+y=0 satisfies an algebraic equation y12+y'12=cÎ C. For a given L, we would like to describe the ideal  I generated by all algebraic differential relations. A description is obtained by differential Galois theory.

For a differential field extension K of k, the group of automorphisms s of K that induce the identity on k and such that s(f')=s(f)' for fÎ K is called the differential Galois group of K over k and is denoted Gal(K/k). Let K be k(y1,...,y1(n-1),...,yn,...,yn(n-1)), i.e., the smallest differential field extension of k which contains the yi's and does not extend the field of constants C. This field is called the Picard-Vessiot extension of L. The group Gal(K/k) is called the differential Galois group of L and denoted Galk(L). A computational representation of G is obtained as follows. Assume y to satisfy L· y=0, then for any automorphism sÎ G, L·s(y)=s(L· y)=0. In other words, each automorphism moves a solution of L to another solution. Consequently, s(y) is a linear C-combination of the yi's with coefficients that are independent from y. This yields a matrix representation of G. Thus G is linear algebraic and the ideal  I is stable under the action of G.

We now proceed to introduce a lemma which is crucial to the algorithm discussed in the next section. Assume that L admits a right factor L1 with solution space V1Ì V. For any v1Î V1 and any automorphism sÎ G, L1·s(v1)=s(L1· v1)=0, so that V1 is stable under G. We want to prove a converse property.

For an r-tuple (v1,...,vr)Î Kr, the Wronskian Wr(v1,...,vr) is classically defined as the matrix [vi(j)]. The corresponding determinant induces an application from Kr to K. This application is an alternate r-linear form and satisfies
s(det(Wr(v1,...,vr))) =det(Wr(s(v1),...,s(vr)))
for any sÎ G. Below, we more intrinsically use r-exterior products, i.e., formal alternate r-linear symbols v1Ù...Ù vr that satisfy s(v1Ù...Ù vr)=s(v1)Ù...Ùs(vr) for any sÎ G.

Let us assume V1 to be a 2-dimensional C-vector subspace of V with basis (f1,f2) and stable under the action of G. More specifically, for each sÎ G there exist ci,j(s)Î C\{0} such that
Then in the exterior power L2(V1) where f1Ù f1=f2Ù f2=0,
s(f1Ù f2)=s(f1)Ùs(f2) =(c1,1c2,2-c1,2c2,1)(f1Ù f2).

More generally, assume that V1 is a C-subspace of V stable under G and with dimension dim V1=r<n=dim V. Then, the exterior r-power Ùr(V1) is a 1-dimensional vector space with basis w=f1Ù...Ù fr. For each sÎ G, there exists a non-zero csÎ C such that s(w)=csw. In fact, cs=dets when s is viewed as a C-linear automorphism of V1. Now, for yÎ V, write
L1· y=
This makes L1 a linear operator of order r. For any sÎ G,
s(L1· y) =
=L1· y.
The coefficients of L1 are therefore left fixed by all elements of G, and L1Î k[].
Lemma 1   An operator L with solution space V admits a right factor L1 such that the solution space V1 of L1 is a subspace of V if and only if there exists a non-zero proper subspace of V which is stable under G.

3   The Beke-Bronstein Algorithm

Wronskians relate the solutions of an ODE to its coefficients. In particular, the Wronskian w=det(Wr(y1,...,yn)) =det[Y,Y',...,Y(n-1)] where Y is the column vector of the yi's satisfies
det [ Y,...,Y(i-1),Y(i+1),Y(i+1),...,Y(n-1) ] +det [ Y,...,Y(n-2),Y(n) ]
ai(x)det [ Y,...,Y(n-2),Y(i) ] =-an-1(x)det [ Y,Y',...,Y(n-1) ] =-an-1(x)w.
In short w'+an-1(x)w=0 (Liouville relation); the other coefficients of L satisfy similar relations.

The algorithm developed and implemented by Bronstein after Beke's work and described in [4] makes use of Wronskians in the following way. To obtain a right factor of the operator L:
  1. solve L· y=0 for exponential solutions; if solutions are found, they yield first-order right factors of L;
  2. similarly, find first-order left-hand factors by the method of adjoint operators [4]; if solutions are found, they yield right factors of L of order n-1;
  3. if no solution was found, look for right factors of order r (2£ r£ n-2) as follows:
    1. build an equation whose solution space is spanned by all Wronskians of order r;
    2. solve for exponential solutions;
    3. test which solutions are Wronskians, i.e., pure exterior products, and obtain a right factor.
As a comparison, Singer's method, which was implemented by Van Hoeij, relies on solving for rational solutions only.

4   An Example

Again, consider the operator L=4-1/43+3/4x22-x. Both first steps of the algorithm above fail, so that the only possible factorizations are of the form L=L2L1 with factors of order 2. Write w=y1y2'-y1'y2 for any two solutions of L. By computing its first derivatives, reducing them by L on the basis (y1(i)y2(j))i,j=0,...,3, and looking for linear dependencies by Gaussian elimination, we obtain that w is annihilated by
3 -
The only exponential solutions are the constants lÎ C. This entails that L1=2-l+r(x) for an algebraic function r. By identification, one finds
L2=2+ æ
+ æ
-r(x) ö
where r(x)=1/4x2(2l2x2-l x± (4l4x4-8l3x3+13l2x2-15l x+16x5)1/2). Realizing that l=0, we get r(x)=±(x)1/2 and the factorizations of the first section.


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Abramov (Sergei A.), Bronstein (Manuel), and Petkovsek (Marko). -- On polynomial solutions of linear operator equations. In Levelt (A.) (editor), Symbolic and algebraic computation. pp. 290--296. -- New York, 1995.

Beke (E.). -- Die Irreducibilität des homogenen linearen Differentialgleichungen. Mathematische Annalen, vol. 45, 1884, pp. 278--294.

Bronstein (M.) and Petkovsek (M.). -- On Ore rings, linear operators and factorisation. Programmirovanie, n°1, 1994, pp. 27--44. -- Also available as Research Report 200, Informatik, ETH Zürich.

Kovacic (Jerald J.). -- An algorithm for solving second order linear homogeneous differential equations. Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 2, 1986, pp. 3--43.

Liouville (J.). -- Premier mémoire sur la détermination des intégrales dont la valeur est algébrique. Journal de l'École polytechnique, n°14, 1833, pp. 124--148.

Liouville (J.). -- Second mémoire sur la détermination des intégrales dont la valeur est algébrique. Journal de l'École polytechnique, n°14, 1833, pp. 149--193.

Singer (Michael F.). -- Liouvillian solutions of n-th order homogeneous linear differential equations. American Journal of Mathematics, vol. 103, n°4, 1981, pp. 661--682.

Singer (Michael F.). -- Testing reducibility of linear differential operators: A group theoretic perspective. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, vol. 7, n°2, 1996, pp. 77--104.

Singer (Michael F.) and Ulmer (Felix). -- Necessary conditions for Liouvillian solutions of (third order) linear differential equations. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, vol. 6, n°1, 1995, pp. 1--22.

Ulmer (Felix) and Weil (Jacques-Arthur). -- Note on Kovacic's algorithm. -- Prépublication n°94-13, Institut de recherche mathématique de Rennes, Université de Rennes 1, France, July 1994.

Van Hoeij (Mark). -- Formal solutions and factorization of differential operators with power series coefficients. Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 24, n°1, July 1997, pp. 1--30.

Such a solution is also frequently referred to as a hyperexponential solution.

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