Distribution of Image Points in Random Mappings
Mich�le Soria
Universit� Paris VI
Algorithms Seminar
November 10, 1996
[summary by Pierre Nicod�me]
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This talk presents a general theorem which can be used to identify the
limiting distribution for a class of combinatorial schemata. For
example, many parameters in random mappings can be covered in this way.
1 Methods
We consider the general working scheme ``Symbolic Structures
A or { A,w}
� Generating Functions a(z) or a(u,z) �
an or an,k''. Then
by Cauchy's formula, we get for structures A
a(z) = |
= |
an |
� |
= |
� �
a(z) |
. |
When considering marked structures with parameters
{ A,w}, (w is a mapping A �
we have
In this case, an,k can be obtained by double Cauchy inversion, or by Cauchy inversion and Continuity Theorem.
Table 1 gives some examples of translation of marked
combinatorial structures to generating functions. The mark is
represented by character ``�''
and translated to parameter u.
Description |
Structure |
Generating Function |
Degree at the root in Cayley trees |
A = Node �Set(� A) |
a(u,z) = z exp(ua(z)) |
Random Mappings |
G = Set(Cycle( A)) |
g(z)=1/1-a(z) |
--- by number of cycles |
G =
Set(�Cycle( A)) |
g(u,z)= exp(ulog1/1-a(z)) |
--- by number of trees |
G =
Set(Cycle(� A)) |
g(u,z) = 1/1-u a(z) |
Table 1:
Some examples of generating functions
By a classical theorem about characteristic functions
(Xn) converges weakly to Y if and only if fXn(q) converges to fY(q) for all q, with fZ = E(eiq Z).
We also have a(u,z)=�n,kuk zn/n! = �n
pn(u)zn/n!, which gives the probability generating function
of Xn as pn(u)/pn(1) = �n Pr(Xn =k)uk.
We refer to [2] for the concept of
(labelled) combinatorial structures and their translation to generating functions.
2 Trees and Random Mappings
A random mapping is an arbitrary mapping f:
{1,...,n}�{1,...,n} such that every mapping has
probability n-n. A mapping f can be identified to its
functional graph Gf with vertices {1,...,n} and edges
(i,f(i)), for 1� i � n. Each component of
Gf consists of a cycle and every cyclic point is the root of a
The basic property for analysis is that solutions of functional
equations usually have algebraic singularity of square-root type.
For trees, we get
a(u,z) = t(u,z) -h(u,z)(1-z/r(u))1/2. For sequences of trees,
we get an expression of the form 1/(1-a(u,z)), and for random mappings
an expression of the form
s(u,z) = |
1 |
1-T(u,z)+h(u,z)(1-z/r(u))1/2 |
. |
We recall that when we get an expression of the form 1/(1-uC(z)),
the asymptotic distribution of the corresponding random variable
depends on the value C(rc), where rc is the only
singularity on the circle
of convergence of C(z). If C(rc)>1, the limit law is normal;
if C(rc)<1, the limit law is derivative of geometric, and if
C(rc)=1 the limit law is Rayleigh.
3 Examples
For Cayley trees, we have a(u,z) = z ea(u,z) + z(u-1),
for sequences of trees, s(u,z)=1/(1-a(u,z)), and for functional
Nodes of arity r.
For trees,
a(u,z) = z |
� � � � |
u |
� � � � |
= z
ea(u,z)+z(u-1) |
. |
For sequences of trees, we have s(u,z)=1/(1-a(u,z)), and for
functional graphs,
g(u,z) = |
1 |
1-a(u,z)+z(u-1) |
� � � � |
- |
� � � � |
. |
Nodes at distance d from a cycle.
We have the recurrence
a0(u,z)=ua(z), ad+1(u,z)=ze |
. |
For functional graphs, this gives g(u,z) =1/(1-ad(u,z)).
Nodes with r pre-images in total.
For trees, we have a(u,z) = zea(u,z)+(u-1)ar+1zr+1,
where ar+1 = (r+1)r is the number of trees of size r+1.
For functional graphs, we have
G=Set(Cycle( A)),
which translates to g(z)
= exp(�p� 0ap(z)/p). This gives
g(u,z) =
exp |
� � � � |
(up-1) |
� � � � |
= |
K(u,z) |
1-a(u,z)+(u-1)ar+1zr+1 |
. |
Nodes d iterated.
(These nodes are at distance �
d from a leaf.)
For trees, we have
ad(u,z)=xue |
-(u-1)ld(z) with |
l0(z)=0, ld+1(z)=ze |
. |
For functional graphs, we have, for nodes at distance � d of a
leaf of their sub-tree, sd(u,z) = 1/(1-ad(u,z)). For nodes at
distance � d of a leaf, we have
4 A classification for limit laws of random mappings
We begin with a proposition which applies to functional equations of
Proposition 1
Let F(u,z,a(u,z)) be a power series in three variables with
non-negative coefficients and F(0,0,0) = 0. Suppose that the system
of equations {t=F(1,r,t), 1=F'a(1,r,t)} has
positive solutions r and t such that F'z(1,r,t)�
0 and F''aa(1,r,t)� 0. Then, F(u,z,a)=0 has for solution
a(u,z) = t(u,z)-h(u,z)(1-z/r(u))1/2,
with t,h,r analytic,
t(1,r(1))=t(1)� t, r(1)=r and
h(1,r(1))=( |
F'z(1,r,t) |
F''aa(1,r,t) |
)1/2. |
We arrive to a general theorem which seems to be the proper theorem to
discuss random mappings.
We consider a generating function g(u,z)=�n,kgn,kuk zn
corresponding for variables Xn to a probability distribution
Pr(Xn=k)=gn,k/gn. We consider a local expansion in the
neighbourhood of u=1,z=r(u), of the form
g(u,z)= |
1 |
1-T(u,z)+h(u,z)(1-z/r(u))1/2 |
. |
T, h and r are analytic and T(1,r)=1.
Theorem 1
With these hypotheses (T, h, r analytic and T(1,r)=1),
If r'(u) = 0 and T'u(1,r)>0, then
Xn/(n)1/2� R(l), where
l=1/2(h(r,1)/T'u(r,1))2 and
R(l) is the Rayleigh distribution of density l x
exp(-l/2x2). Moreover
E(Xn)�(p n/2l)1/2 and Var(Xn) �
- If r'(1)� 0 and T'u(1,r)=0, then Xn-�
n/(s2 n)1/2 � N(0,1), where � =
-r'(1)/r(1) and
s2=�2+�-r''(1)/r(1). Moreover E(Xn)� � n
and Var(Xn)� s2 n.
- If r'(1) � 0 and T'u(1,r)� 0, then
Xn - � n/(s2 n)1/2�
N(0,1)* R(s2l), where � and
s are defined as in (2), l is defined as in (1) and the
star operator represents the convolution operation.
Remark 1 If T(1,r) � 1, then
Xn-�n/(s2 n)1/2� N(0,1),
(except if r'(u) = 0 and T(1,r)<1, in which case Xn
� d G, derivative of a geometric law).
The density and characteristic functions in these different cases are
as follows.
R (Rayleigh) f R(l)(x)=l
xe-l x2/2, and
f R(q)=
- N (Normal)
f N(x)=1/(2p)1/2e-x2/2 and f N(q)=e-q2/2.
- N* R (Normal conv. Rayleigh)
f N* R(x)=(e-x2/4-e-x2/2)/(2p)1/2+xe-x2/4/2(2)1/2erf(x/2)
and f N* R(q)=
f N(q)� f R(q).
Let g(u,z) = �n� 0pn(u)zn/n! with pn(1)=gn.
The proof rests on the convergence of the corresponding
characteristic functions to (1) f R(q), (2)
(3) e-q2/2� f R(q). For instance, in
case (1), the characteristic function
pn(eiq/(n)1/2)/gn converges to
f R(q).
The proofs in the different cases make use of Cauchy inversions along
suitable contours of the complex plane [1].
5 Applications
We note Xn the law of Xn-� n/(s2 n)1/2.
We have
This gives {t=r et+(u-1)r, 1=r et},
which gives {t(1,r)� t(1)=1, r(1)=r}, and
also by differentiation wrt u {t'=(r
et)' + r+(u-1)r', 0=(r
these two last equations give {t'(1)=r, r'(1)=-r2� 0}.
This gives for sequences of trees
t(1,r)=1, r'(1)� 0, t'u(1,r)� 0, and
therefore Xn � N* R.
This also gives for functional graphs, with T(u,z)=t(u,z)-(u-1)z,
T(1,r)=1,r'(1)� 0, T'u(1,r)=t'(1)-r=0, and
therefore Xn � N.
Nodes with in-degree r.
As before, a(z)=t(u,z)-h(u,z)(1-z/r(u))1/2.
We have
{t = r et+r(u-1)tr/r!, 1=r
et+r(u-1)tr-1/(r-1)!}. This gives
t(1)=1 and r(1) = r. By differentiation wrt u, we obtain
t'(1) = r(1/r!-1/(r-1)!) and
r'(1) = -r2/r!� 0.
For sequences of trees, we get t(1,r)=1, r'(1)� 0 and, if
r� 2, t'u(1,r)� 0, which implies Xn �
N* R. If r=1, the limit law is normal.
For functional graphs, we have
We get T(1,r)=1,r'(1) � 0, and T'u(1,r)=0, which
implies that Xn � N.
Nodes at distance d from a cycle.
We have
ad(u,z) =td(u,z)-cd(u,z)(1-ez)1/2, with t0(z)=ug(z),
td(u,z)=zetd-1(u,z), c0(z)=uk(z),
This gives r'=0, td(1,r)=1,
Applying this results to g(u,z)=1/(1-ad(u,z)), we get
T(1,r)=1, T'u(1,r)� 0,r=Cst, which implies that
Xn� R.
Nodes with in-degree r.
(Same method.) We have
for sequences of Cayley trees xn�
N* R, and for functional graphs
Xn� N.
Nodes at distance � d from a leaf.
(Same method.) From
a leaf of their own subtree (sequences of Cayley trees),
Xn� N* R. In the general case,
Xn� N.
Nodes at distance d from a leaf.
(Same method.) If the
path contains no cyclic edge,
Xn� R* N
(except if d=1, in which case Xn� N). If
cyclic edges
are allowed, for d�2, we have Xn� N.
(Conjecture: this last result is true for all d.)
- [1]
Drmota (Michael) and Soria (Mich�le). --
Images and preimages in random mappings. SIAM Journal on
Discrete Mathematics, vol. 10, n°2, May 1997,
pp. 246--269.
- [2]
Vitter (Jeffrey Scott) and Flajolet (Philippe). --
Analysis of algorithms and data structures. In van Leeuwen (J.)
(editor), Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science, Chapter 9,
pp. 431--524. --
North Holland, 1990.
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