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Analysis of Algorithms | Computer Algebra |
While we know the laws of basic physics and while probabilists have been setting up a coherent theory of stochastic processes for about half a century, the ``laws of combinatorics'', in the sense of the laws governing random structured configurations of large sizes, are much less understood. Accordingly, our knowledge in the latter area is still very much fragmentary. Some of the difficulties arise from the large variety of models that tend to arise in real-life applications-the world of computer scientists and algorithmic designers is really an artificial world, much more ``free'' than its physical counterpart. Some of us have then engaged in the long haul project of trying to offer a unified perspective in this area. The approach of analytic combinatorics has evolved from there.
Analytic combinatorics leads to discovering randomness phenomena that are ``universal'' (a term actually borrowed from statistical physics) across seemingly different applications. For instance, it is found that similar laws govern the behaviour of prime factors in integers, of irreducible factors in polynomials, of cycles in permutations, and of components in mappings of a finite set. Once detected, such phenomena can then be exploited by specific algorithms that factor integers (a problem relevant to public-key cryptography), decompose polynomials (this is needed in computer algebra systems), reorganize tables in place (this is obvious interest in the manipulation of various data sets), and use collisions to estimate the cardinality of massive data ensembles. The underlying technology bases itself on generating functions, which exactly describe discrete models, as well as an interpretation of these generating functions as analytic transformations of the complex plane. Singularities together with the associated perturbative theory then deliver a number of very precise estimates regarding important characteristics of random discrete structures. The process can be largely made formal and accessible to computer algebra (see below) and it may be adapted to the broad area of analysis of algorithms.
See also the pages of the community on Analysis of Algorithms and the pages on the Aléa working group.