Routing Permutations on Trees

Sylvie Corteel

PRISM, Université de Versailles - Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Algorithms Seminar

June 19, 2000

[summary by Dominique Gouyou-Beauchamps]

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We study the problem of routing permutations on trees. We show that this problem is NP-hard but that it is 5/3-approximable. For a linear network or for a star tree network, the problem is polynomial and we give its average complexity. We extend these results and obtain an upper bound for arbitrary trees. This talk is based on a joint work with Mario Valencia-Pabon, Danièle Gardy, Dominique Barth, and Alain Denise [4].

1   Introduction

The routing problem on communication networks consists in the efficient allocation of resources to connection requests. In the case of all-optical networks, data is transmitted on lightwaves through optical fiber, and several signals can be transmitted through a fiber link simultaneously provided that different wavelengths are used in order to prevent interferences [3]. As the number of wavelengths is a limited resource, it is desirable to establish a given set of connection requests with a minimum number of wavelengths. Then the routing problem for all-optical networks can be viewed as a path coloring problem: it consists in finding a desirable collection of paths on the network associated with the collection of connection requests in order to minimize the number of colors needed to color these paths in such a way that any two different paths sharing a same link are assigned different colors. For simple networks, such as trees, the routing problem is simpler, as there is a unique path for each communication request.

Clearly, such a routing problem can be modeled as a permutation-path coloring problem on trees. An instance of the permutation-path coloring problem on trees is given by a directed symmetric tree graph T on n nodes and a permutation s of the node set of T. Moreover, we associate with each pair (i,s(i)), i¹s(i), 1£ i£ n, the unique directed path on T from node i to node s(i). Thus, the permutation-path coloring problem for this instance consists in assigning the minimum number of colors to such a permutation-set of paths in such a way that any two paths sharing a same arc of the tree are assigned different colors.

2   Definitions

We model the tree network as a rooted labeled symmetric directed tree T=(V,A) on n vertices, where processors and switches are vertices and links are modeled by two arcs in opposite directions. Let P be a collection of directed paths on T. We assume that the vertices of T are arbitrarily labeled by different integers {1,2,...,n} and that the vertex labeled n is the root vertex of T. We denote i® j the unique directed path from vertex i to vertex j. The arc from vertex i to its father (resp. from the father of i to i), 1£ i£ n-1, is labeled by i+ (resp. i-). We call T(i) the subtree of T rooted at vertex i, 1£ i£ n.

For any i, 1£ i£ n-1, the load of an arc i+ (resp. i-) of T, denoted by LT(P,i+) (resp. LT(P,i-)), is the number of paths in P using such an arc, and the maximum load among all arcs of T is denoted by LT(P). We call the coloring number and we denote by RT(P), the minimum number of colors needed to color the paths in P such that any two paths sharing a same arc in T are assigned different colors. Trivially, we have that RT(P)³ LT(P).

We say that P is a permutation-path set on T if P represents a permutation sÎ Sn of the vertex set of T, where s(i)=j, i¹ j, if and only if i® jÎ P. In the sequel we talk indifferently of a permutation-path set P or of the permutation sÎ Sn that P represents. Thus, given a permutation sÎ Sn and a tree T on n vertices, the load of the arc i+, resp. i-, 1£ i£ n-1, can be expressed by LT(s,i+)=|{ jÎ T(i)|s (j)Ï T(i) }|, resp. LT(s,i-)=|{ jÏ T(i)|s(j)Î T(i) }|.

Let T be a tree on n vertices. The average load of all permutations sÎ Sn on T, denoted by L_T, is defined as L_T=(n!)-1åsÎ SnLT(s).

Proposition 1  [[7]]   There is a polynomial time algorithm to color any collection P of paths on any tree such that LT(P)£ RT(P)£é(5/3)LT(P)ù.

Let T be a tree on n vertices. We denote by R_T the average number of colors needed to color all permutations in Sn on T.

Proposition 2   Let T be a tree on n vertices. Then L_T(P)£R_T(P)£(5/3)L_T(P)+1.

Let T be a tree on 2n vertices. We denote by R~T the average number of colors needed to color all involutions in I2n on T.

Proposition 3   Let T be a tree on 2n vertices and let L~T be the average load of all involutions in I2n on T. Then L~T£R~T£(3/2)L~T.

3   Complexity of Computing the Coloring Number

We show the NP-hardness of the symmetric-path coloring problem on binary trees, answering an open question in [2]. For this, we use a reduction similar to the one used in [6, 10] for proving the NP-hardness of the general path coloring problem on binary trees. We extend this reduction to obtain NP-hardness results on very restrictive instances like involutions on both binary trees and trees having only two vertices with degrees greater than two.

Theorem 1   Let T be a directed symmetric tree and let P be a collection of directed paths on T. Then, computing RT(P) is NP-hard in the following cases:

4   A Lower Bound for the Average Coloring Number

Let G=(V,A) be a directed symmetric graph on n vertices and r a routing function in G which assigns a set of paths on G to route any permutation sÎ Sn. Let L_G,r be the average load of all permutations in Sn induced by the routing function r, and let UÍ V be a subset of the vertex set of G. We denote by c(U) the cut (U,U_), i.e., the set of arcs { (u,v)Î A| uÎ U, vÎ V\ U }.

Proposition 4   For any graph G=(V,A) on n vertices, and any routing function r in G,

Let T be a tree on n vertices. By the previous proposition, we can deduce that the average load of any arc i+ of T, 1£ i£ n-1, denoted by L_T(i), satisfies L_T(i)=|T(i)|(n-|T(i)|)/n. Moreover, for any vertex i of T, let vT(i)=|T(i)|/n and v~T(i)=min(vT(i),1-vT(i)). Let v~T=maxiv~T(i).

Proposition 5   Both inequalities L_T³ nv~T(1-v~T) and R_T³ nv~T(1-v~T) hold.

5   Average Coloring Number on Linear Networks

The main result is the following:

Theorem 2   The average coloring number of the permutations in Sn to be routed on a linear network on n vertices is n/4+(l/2)n1/3+O(n1/6) where l=0.99615...

To prove this result, we use enumerative and asymptotic combinatorial techniques (Theorems 3 and 4 below and results of Louchard [12] and Daniels and Skyrme [5]). Our approach uses the same methodology as Lagarias et al. [11] who studied involutions with no fixed point routed on the linear network.

Let Wn be the set of Motzkin walks of length n labeled as follows:
Theorem 3  [9] There is a one-to-one correspondence between the elements Wn and those of Sn.

We use Biane's bijection [1] because it preserves the height of our objects, i.e., the height of a labeled Motzkin walks is equal to the height of the corresponding permutation. Moreover, the height of a permutation is equal to its load.

Let Sn,£ k be the number of permutations in Sn of height at most k and let Sn,k be the number of permutations in Sn of height exactly k.

Theorem 4  [8, 13] We have the identities Hk(z)=ån³ 0åsÎ Sn,kzn =(k!)2z2k/Pk+1*(z)Pk*(z) and
£ k
n³ 0
sÎ S
n,£ k
with P0(z)=1, P1(z)=z-1 and Pn+1(z)=(z-2n-1)Pn(z)-n2Pn-1(z) for n³ 1, where P* is the reciprocal polynomial of P, that is Pn*(z)=znPn(1/z) for n³ 0.

6   Average Coloring Number on Arbitrary Tree Networks

We can extend the average complexity results on linear networks to arbitrary tree networks.

Theorem 5   The average load induced by all permutations of Sn on T is L_T=nv~T(1-v~T)+O(n1/2).

Theorem 6   For all e, there exists n0=n0(e) such that, for all n³ n0 and any tree T on n vertices, the average number of colors R_T needed to color any permutation sÎ Sn on T satisfies R_T£(5/3+e)nv~T(1-v~T).

Let ST(n) denote the directed symmetric star graph on n vertices (i.e., the tree having only one internal vertex connected to n-1 leaves). We call generalized star graph that we denote by GST(l), a directed symmetric tree on n vertices having k branches connected to each other by one vertex, where l=(l1,...,lk) is a partition of the integer n-1 into k parts (k>2) and where li denotes the length of the ith branch (i.e., a branch of length li is a path graph on li+1 vertices). We can also obtain the same type of results for generalized star trees and involutions instead of permutations.

Theorem 7   Let k be a fixed integer greater than 2. The average number of colors needed to color any permutation sÎ Snk+1 on a generalized star tree GST(l) having nk+1 vertices and k branches of length n is n(k-1)/k+O(n1/2).

Theorem 8   Let T be a tree on 2n vertices. The average load induced by all involutions with no fixed points sÎ I2n on T is L_T=2nv~T(1-v~T)+O(n1/2).


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