Classifying ECO-Systems and Random Walks
Cyril Banderier
Algorithms Project, INRIA Rocquencourt
Algorithms Seminar
September 27, 1999
[summary by Pierre Nicodème]
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This talk presents a classification by rationality, algebraicity or
transcendence of ECO-systems (Enumerating Combinatorial Objects) and
of more general random walks. It is based on an article by Cyril
Banderier, Mireille Bousquet-Mélou, Alain Denise, Philippe Flajolet,
Danièle Gardy and Dominique Gouyou-Beauchamps [1].
1 Introduction
A generating tree is defined by a system (an axiom and a
family of rewriting rules)
æ è |
{ |
(k)®(e1(k))(e2(k))...(ek(k)) |
} |
ö ø |
(1) |
Here, the axiom (s0) specifies the degree of the root, while the
productions ei(k) (with ei(k)>0) list the degrees of the
k descendants of a node labelled k (note the constraint on the
number of descendants of a node). Such a system constitutes an
Example 1 123-avoiding permutations.
Consider the set Sn(123) of permutations of length n that
avoid the pattern
123: there exist no integers i<j<k
such that s(i)<s(j)<s(k). For instance,
s=4213 belongs to S4(123) but s=1324 does not,
since s(1)<s(3)<s(4).
Observe that if tÎSn+1(123), then the permutation s
obtained by erasing the entry n+1 from t belongs to
Sn(123). Conversely, for every sÎSn(123), insert
the value n+1 in each place where this is compatible with the
avoiding rule; this gives an element of Sn+1(123). For
example, the permutation s=213 gives 4213, 2413 and 2143,
by insertion of 4 in first, second and third place respectively. The
permutation 2134, resulting of the insertion of 4 in the last
place, does not belong to S4(123). This process can be described
by a tree whose nodes are the permutations avoiding 123: the root is
1, and the children of any node s are the permutations
derived as above (see Figure 1(a)).
Let us now label the nodes by their number of children: we obtain the
tree of Figure 1(b). It can be proved
that the k children of any node labelled k are labelled
respectively k+1,2,3,...,k. Thus the tree we have constructed is
the generating tree obtained from the following system:
æ è |
{ |
(k)®(2)(3)...(k-1)(k)(k+1) |
} |
ö ø |
(2) |
Figure 1: The generating tree of 123-avoiding permutations:
(a) nodes labelled by the permutations;
(b) nodes labelled by the numbers of children.
We assume that all the values appearing in the generating tree are
In the generating tree, let fn be the number of nodes at level n
and sn the sum of the labels of these nodes. By convention, the
root is at level 0, so that f0=1. In terms of walks, fn is the
number of walks of length n.
The generating function associated to the system is
F(z) =ån³ 0 fn zn.
Note that sn=fn+1, and that the sequence (fn)n is
Now let fn,k be the number of nodes at level n having
label k (or the number of walks of length n ending at position
k). The following generating functions will be of interest:
Fk(z) = |
fn,k zn
and |
F(z,u) = |
fn,k zn uk.
We have F(z)=F(z,1)=åk³ 1Fk(z).
Furthermore, the Fk's satisfy the relation
Fk(z) = [k=s0] + z |
pj,k Fj(z),
(3) |
where [k=s0] is 1 if k=s0 and 0 elsewhere and
pj,k denotes the number |{ i£ j | ei(j)=k }| of one-step
transitions from j to k. This is equivalent to the
recurrence fn+1,k=åj³ 1pj,k fn,j for the
numbers fn,k (with f0,s0 = 1),
that results from tracing all the paths that lead to k in n+1
We refer to [1] for random generation using counting and
generating trees.
2 Rational Systems
ECO-systems satisfying strong
regularity conditions
lead to rational generating functions.
This covers systems that
have a finite number of allowed degrees, as well as
systems where the sum of the labels at level k depends linearly on k.
Proposition 1
If finitely many labels
appear in the tree, then F(z)=F(z,1) is rational.
Only a finite number of Fk's are nonzero; they are related by
linear equations like Equation (3) above and therefore
rational. F(z) is a finite sum of these, and is also rational.
Example 2
Fibonacci numbers are generated by the system
that can also be written as
Proposition 2
Let s(k)=e1(k)+e2(k)+...+ek(k). If s is an
affine function of k, say s(k)=a k+b, then the
series F(z) is rational. More precisely:
Let n³ 0 and let k1, k2,..., kfn denote the labels of
the fn nodes at level n. Then
fn+2=sn+1 |
=(a k1+b)+(a k2+b)
+...+(a k |
+b) |
=a sn+b fn=a fn+1+b fn. |
We know that f0=1 and f1=s0. The result follows.
Example 3
The system ((2),{(k)®(2)k-1(k+1)})
produces the Fibonacci numbers of even index.
Proposition 2 can be adapted to apply to systems that
``almost'' satisfy its criterion (see [1]).
3 Algebraic Systems
Systems where a finite modification of the set {1,...,k} is
reachable from k lead to algebraic generating functions.
The possible moves from k are given by the rule:
iÎ B}
jÎ A}},
where AÌN and BÌN+ are a finite multiset (denoted
{{...}}) and a finite set specifying respectively the
allowed forward jumps (possibly coloured) and the
forbidden backwards jumps.
Observe that these walk models are not necessarily ECO-systems, first
because we allow labels to be zero---but a simple translation can
take us back to a model with positive labels---, and second because we
do not require (k) to have exactly k successors.
In this section fn,k is the number of walks of length n ending
at point k and fn(u)=åk³ 0fn,kuk is the coefficient
of zn in F(z,u).
We continue this section with the example A={4,15} and B={2},
axiom (0) and the corresponding family of rules
{ |
(k)®(0)(1)...(k-3)(k-1)(k+4)(k+15) |
} |
. |
This corresponds in generating functions to substituting uk in
= |
-uk-2+uk+4+uk+15 |
for k³ 2. This gives the recurrence
fn+1(u)=fn(1)-fn(u)/1-u+(u4+u15-u-2)fn(u), and
yields the functional equation
F(z,u)=1+z |
æ ç ç è |
+P(u)F(z,u)-{u<0} |
zn L[fn](u) |
ö ÷ ÷ ø |
(5) |
P(u)=åaÎ Aua-åbÎ Bu-b and
Equation (5) may be rewritten as
F(z,u) |
æ ç ç è |
1+ |
-zP(u) |
ö ÷ ÷ ø |
=1+ |
F(z,1)-z |
F(z,0), |
where the cj(u) are Laurent polynomials.
The kernel K(z,u) of Equation (5) is the coefficient of
F(z,u) in the
left-hand side of this equation.
F(z,u)K(z,u) is a linear combination of b+1 unknown
functions. Solving K(z,u)=0 in u gives b+1 convergent branches ui(z)
which, in turn, give the ¶uj F(z,0) through a
(b+1)×(b+1) linear system, and from there
F(z,1), which is algebraic.
Proposition 3
The generating function F(z,1) counting the number of walks,
starting from zero and irrespective of their endpoint is algebraic and
where b=max B and ui(z) are the finite solutions
at z=0 of the equation K(z,u)=0.
Examples of algebraic systems are the Catalan numbers
{(k)®(0)(1)...(k)(k+1)}, the Motzkin numbers
{(k)®(0)...(k-1)(k+1)}, the Schröder numbers
{(k)®(0)...(k-1)(k)(k+1)} or the m-ary trees
4 Transcendental Systems
4.1 Transcendence
If the coefficients of a series grow too fast, its radius of
convergence is zero.
Proposition 4
Let b be a nonnegative integer. For k³1, let
mk=|{ i| ei(k)³ k-b }|. Assume that:
for all k, there exists a forward jump from k (i.e.,
ei(k)>k for some i),
- the sequence (mk)k is non-decreasing and tends to infinity.
Then the generating function of the system has radius of
convergence 0.
See [1].
However, there are ECO-systems or walks that are transcendental with
positive radius of convergence such as
{(k)®(2)(4)...(2k)} or
{(k)®(é k/2ù)k-1(k+1)}.
4.2 Holonomy
A subclass of transcendental functions is the class of holonomic
functions. A series is said to be
holonomic or D-finite if it satisfies
a linear differential equation with polynomial coefficients in
z. Equivalently, its coefficients fn satisfy a linear recurrence
relation with polynomial coefficients in n. Given a sequence fn,
the OGF (ordinary generating function) å fn zn is holonomic if
and only if the EGF (exponential generating function) å fnzn/n!
is holonomic.
The following table gives examples of holonomic and non-holonomic
transcendental systems with references to the Encyclopedia of Integer
Sequences (EIS) by Sloane and Plouffe [2, 3].
Axiom |
Rewriting rules |
Name |
EIS Id. |
Generating Function |
Holonomic OGF |
(1) |
(k)® (k+1)k |
Permutations |
M1675 |
1/(1-z) |
(2) |
(k)® (k)(k+1)k-1 |
Arrangements |
M1497 |
ez/(1-z) |
(1) |
(k)® (k-1)k-1 (k+1) |
Involutions |
M1221 |
ez+z2/2 |
(2) |
(k)® (k+1)k-1 (k+2) |
Partial permutations |
M1795 |
ez/(1-z)/(1-z) |
Nonholonomic OGF |
(1) |
(k)® (k)k-1 (k+1) |
Bell numbers |
M1484 |
eez-1 |
(2) |
(k)® (k-1)(k)k-2(k+1) |
Bessel numbers |
M1462 |
--- |
- [1]
Banderier (C.), Bousquet-Mélou (M.), Denise (A.), Flajolet (P.), Gardy
(D.), and Gouyou-Beauchamps (D.). --
Generating functions for generating trees. Discrete
Mathematics. --
25 pages. To appear.
- [2]
Encyclopedia of integer sequences. --
Available from
- [3]
Sloane (N. J. A.) and Plouffe (Simon). --
The encyclopedia of integer sequences. --
Academic Press Inc., San Diego, CA, 1995, xiv+587p.
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