Limit Shape Theorems for Partitions
Anatoly Vershik
IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette
Algorithms Seminar
March 8, 1999
[summary by Sylvie Corteel]
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Many combinatorial and geometrical problems can be reduced to a problem
about partitions of
natural numbers or vectors, etc. The main asymptotic question is the
behaviour of the shape of such
a partition when the statistics or dynamics are fixed.
This leads us to the problem of limit shapes.
Example: what is the typical limit shape of the uniformly distributed
partition of the integers? An explicit answer can be given.
A partition of a nonnegative
integer n is a sequence
l=(l1,l2,... , lN)
such that l1³ l2³ ... ³ lN³ 1,
n(l)=åi=1N li=n. The li's are the summands of the partitions.
Let Pn denote the set of all partitions of the integer n
and Qn the set of partitions of the integer n with distinct
summands. Let rk(l) be the multiplicity of the summand k, that is
Clearly, n(l)=åk krk(l) and
N(l)=åk rk(l). Recall that # Pn=p(n) is the
Euler function
and the generating function ån p(n)xn is Õi³ 1
The author associates a function jl on [0,¥)
with the partition
lÎ Pn by the following rule:
jl is a step function, continuous on the right
and ò0¥jl(t)=n.
Let a={an}n³ 0 with an>0 for all n; the function
is jl normed by an, so that
Let µn be
the uniform measure on the set Pn
of all partitions of the integer n:µn(l)= p(n)-1, lÎ Pn;
the question is whether one can
normalize the partitions in such a way that, in some properly chosen
space, the measures µn have a weak limit on generalized
diagrams, and whether this limit is singular. In the
last case, the limit measure is concentrated on a limit shape. An
affirmative answer to these questions, as well as explicit formulas for
limit shapes, are given in the sequel.
Theorem 1
The scaling a={an} for the uniform measure on Pn
such that a
non trivial limit
exists in the space of generalized diagrams is an=(n)1/2.
The same scaling is appropriate for the uniform measure on Qn.
Theorem 2
Under the previous scaling, the measures µn have a weak limit.
This limit is singular and concentrated on a continuous curve.
The limit shape of the uniformly distributed
ordinary partitions and partitions into distinct
summands can now be stated.
Theorem 3
For any e>0, 0<x,y<¥, there exists n0 such that for all n>n0
µn{lÎ P |
n| |
| |
where C(t)=-((6)1/2/p)ln(1-ep t/(6)1/2), or in more symmetric form
Theorem 4
For any e>0, 0<x,y<¥, there exists n0 such that for all n>n0
µn{lÎ Q |
n| |
| |
where C(t)=-((12)1/2/p)ln(1+e-p t/(12)1/2), or in more symmetric form
The limit shape can also be obtained for the uniform measure on partitions
included in a rectangle, partitions with a given number of summands,
vector partitions,...and other kinds of measures called
multiplicative measures. The detailed results and links with statistical
mechanics are presented in [2].
- [1]
Andrews (George E.). --
The theory of partitions. --
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Mass., 1976,
Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 2, xiv+255p.
- [2]
Vershik (A. M.). --
Statistical mechanics of combinatorial partitions, and their limit
configurations. Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk. Funktsional'nyi
Analiz i ego Prilozheniya, vol. 30, n°2, 1996.
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