The Probability of Connectedness
Edward A. Bender
Department of Mathematics, University of California, San Diego
Algorithms Seminar
November 2, 1998
[summary by Bruno Salvy]
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A graph is a set of connected components. Graphs of various kinds are
obtained by imposing constraints on these components. If cn is the
number of different components of size n and an the number of
graphs of size n, then cn/an is the probability that a graph
selected uniformly at random among all graphs of size n is
connected. The aim of this work is to study to what extent
structural properties of the sequence {cn} make it possible to
determine the asymptotic probability of connectedness (as the size n
tends to infinity).
The asymptotic properties of cn/an are closely related to properties of
the generating functions of these sequences. Two cases are to be
considered. In the labelled case, the generating functions
under study are
and they are connected by
In the unlabelled case, the generating functions are
and they are connected by
A(x)=exp |
( |
C(x)+C(x2)/2+C(x3)/3+··· |
) |
(2) |
(See for instance [3] for a proof.) From the asymptotic
point of view, these two identities are sufficiently close to make
most of the proofs go through from one case to the other, with
technical complications in the unlabelled case.
Example 1
General labelled rooted trees with n vertices are counted
by nn-1. The exponential generating function is the tree
function T(z) defined by
corresponding forests have generating function exp(T(z))=T(z)/z.
The dominant singularity of T(z) is exp(-1) where the singularity
is of square root type. Singularity analysis then shows that the
asymptotic probability of connectedness is exp(-1).
Let R be the radius of convergence of the series C(x). In the
unlabelled case, since the cn are integers, R£ Rmax=1, while
Rmax=¥ in the labelled case. It is
useful to distinguish three situations: R=0, C converges at R,
or C diverges at R (which can be infinite).
the aim of this work is to study when rl=ru and to show as
much as possible of Table 1.
possible values for (rl,ru) |
R=0 |
[0,1]×{1} |
C divergent at R |
{0}×[0,1] |
C convergent at R |
with rl£ru |
Table 1: Conjectured possibilities for (rl,ru)
A first result in this area is the following.
Theorem 1 [[5]] A necessary and sufficient condition
for asymptotic connectedness (rl=ru=1) is that R=0 and
where hn is any of an or cn.
Note that (3) is satisfied with hn=an if and only
if it is satisfied with hn=cn.
Example 2 General undirected graphs with n vertices are
enumerated by an=2n(n-1)/2 which accounts for all choices of edges. The
theorem shows that cn~ an.
The remainder of this summary is devoted to proving parts of
Table 1.
1 It is Always Possible that rl=0 and ru=1
This is shown by constructing an ad hoc sequence cn which
is 1 for most n and very large at rare points. Then an tends to
infinity so that rl=0 and ru=1 because for those
large cn, an~ cn.
This idea might extend to obtain 0=rl<ru<1 by taking more
frequent large cn in order to break the last equivalence.
2 Divergent Case: rl=0
This is a result of [4], which is proved as follows.
If there exists d>0 such that cn>d an for all n
sufficiently large, then we get for 0£ z<R
where P is a polynomial and the dots indicate more positive terms
that are present in the unlabelled case. In both cases, this
inequality implies that C is convergent at R.
3 Convergent Case: ru>0 and rl<1
The second inequality is a consequence of Wright's theorem.
The first one can be proved as follows in the labelled case.
Differentiating (1) and extracting
coefficients yields
If cn=o(an), then cutting the sum at n1/2 and using ck£
ak in the first part shows that
which implies divergence of A at R.
4 When rl=ru
The result is that every time (r,r) is present in
Table 1, then there are sequences an and cn of
nonnegative integers
making this happen. The first two lines of the table are dealt with
by exhibiting appropriate examples: general labelled graphs for the
first one; partitions of sets for the other one in view of the
asymptotics of Bell numbers.
In the convergent case, an important tool is the following theorem.
Theorem 2 In the convergent case, if lim cn-1/cn exists
(then it is R) and åk=wn-wckcn-k=o(cn)
for any w(n)®¥, then rl=ru=1/A(R).
We first show how this theorem is used to prove that
every rÎ(0,1) is reached
in the labelled case.
The principle is to construct a
sequence of generating functions C[i](x) such that the
coefficients j![xj]C[i](x) are nonnegative integers for 0£
j<i and the value of lim an[i]/cn[i] is r. Start
Then by the theorem,
r=exp(-ap2/6), which fixes a. To
construct C[k+1] from C[k], the coefficient of k!xk is
replaced by its integer part, and the coefficient of xk+1
is increased to keep r unchanged. The increase is at
most R-1/k! which is sufficiently small compared to its
original value so that the conditions of the theorem still hold.
Therefore the limit C[¥] also satisfies the theorem. A
similar argument gives the unlabelled case.
Proof.[Proof of the theorem] In the labelled case, the hypothesis is
used in an induction on d to obtain
the following asymptotic estimates and bounds on cn(d)=[xn]C(x)d:
cn(d)<Kd-1cn for some K and sufficiently large n;
- cn(d)~ dC(R)d-1cn uniformly for d£ D(n), where
The conclusion follows from there by extracting the coefficient
of xn in A(x)=åC(x)d/d!.
A proof in the unlabelled case is given in [2].
5 Conclusion
Many properties related to connectedness can be
deduced from very little information on the counting sequence of the
connected components. Much more than indicated here is known if extra
smoothness conditions on the sequence are satisfied. Also, results
regarding the limiting distribution are known. We refer
to [2] for details. Still, a large part of
Table 1 remains unproved, mostly regarding the
existence of structures with the announced (rl,ru).
- [1]
Bender (E. A.), Cameron (P. J.), Odlyzko (A. M.), and Richmond (L. B.). --
Connectedness, classes and cycle index. Combinatorics,
Probability and Computing, vol. 8, 1999, pp. 31--43.
- [2]
Bender (Edward A.), Cameron (Peter J.), and Richmond (L. Bruce). --
Asymptotics for the probability of connectedness and the distribution
of number of components, 1999. Preprint.
- [3]
Bergeron (F.), Labelle (G.), and Leroux (P.). --
Combinatorial species and tree-like structures. --
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998, xx+457p.
Translated from the 1994 French original by Margaret Readdy, With a foreword
by Gian-Carlo Rota.
- [4]
Cameron (Peter J.). --
On the probability of connectedness. Discrete Mathematics,
vol. 167/168, 1997, pp. 175--187.
- [5]
Wright (E. M.). --
A relationship between two sequences. Proceedings of the London
Mathematical Society, vol. 17, 1967, pp. 296--304.
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