Colouring Rules for Finite Trees
and Probabilities of Monadic
Second Order Sentences
Alan R. Woods
University of Western Australia
Algorithms Seminar
March 10, 1998
[summary by Cyril Chabaud]
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Given a set of colouring rules applying to the vertices of any finite
rooted tree, we study the asymptotic behaviour of the
probability that an n vertex tree has a given root colour. These
results will prove that the fraction of labelled or unlabelled rooted
trees satisfying any fixed monadic second-order sentence converge to
limiting probabilities.
1 Introduction
Given a finite rooted tree and a set of k colours, the vertices are
coloured from the leaves to the root according to a set of colouring
rules, namely a function h:Nk ®{1,2,...,k}. The
colour assigned to a vertex depends only on the number C1,...,Ck of
its immediate predecessors having colour 1,...,k.
Example 1
h(Cblack,Cwhite)= |
ì í î |
black |
if Cblack is even |
white |
if Cblack is odd |
be a set of colouring rules. From the
definition of h, the leaves of the following tree are coloured black and
we find its root colour is black.
Note that the root of a finite rooted tree is black iff the number of its
vertices is odd, with the set of colouring rules defined above.
Let µn[i] be the fraction of n vertex labelled trees with root
colour i.
Theorem 1
Let µ [i]=limn®¥ µn[i] and
the corresponding Cesàro limit
For any set of colouring rules h, µ_[i] exists for all
colours i=1,...,k and either
µ_[i]>0 or
- $ c>1 such that µn[i]<c-n for all sufficiently
large n.
Although the existence of µ [i] implies the existence of
µ_[i] in general, the converse needs additional conditions to be
2 Applications to Logic
2.1 First Order Logic
There exists an analogous result for first order sentences about a
graph. The language in which these sentences are written contains
the usual quantifiers, parentheses
and connectives with an additional predicate symbol E(x,y)
expressing the fact that vertex x and vertex y are joined by an
Example 2
The following expression is a first order logic sentence
expressing ``every vertex has degree 2'':
" x$ y1$ y2(¬ y1=y2Ù"
z(E(x,z)Û z=y1Ú z=y2)).
Fagin [3],
Glebskii, Kogan, Liogon'kii and Talanov [4]
have proved the following result
Proposition 1
Let µn(j) be the fraction of n vertex graphs with property
For every first order sentence j about a graph,
µ(j)=limn®¥ µn(j) exists and
µ(j)=0 or 1.
That the only possible values are 0,1 is a consequence of the
fact that graphs have no roots.
2.2 Monadic Second Order Logic
The situation for monadic second order sentences about a rooted tree
is quite different since the language provides a constant symbol R
denoting the root, and it can handle sets of vertices using second
order variables.
Determining the satisfiability of a monadic second order
sentence j of rank r reduces to finding the root colour of
a rooted tree T for a particular system of colouring rules.
Results arising from Compton's method of components [2]
establish that if j is a sentence of rank r, then there exists
sentences y1,...,yk of rank r such that:
Every finite rooted tree satisfies exactly one yi;
- Every j of rank r is equivalent to
ÚiÎ Syi for some set S.
If T is a rooted tree that has component trees T1,..., Tm that satisfy sentences
yi1,...,yim, then there exists a unique i such that
T satisfies yi, and this particular i can be
interpreted as the root colour of T. (For details
see [8]).
2.3 Boolean Formulas
Assume we have M boolean variables x1,...,xM. Then the
colours turn out to be the 22M boolean functions Yi. The
existence of the limiting probability µ[i] is stated in the
following theorem:
Theorem 2
Let µn[i] be the fraction of formulas of size n which compute
the boolean function Yi, iÎ{1,...,22M}.
Then limn®¥µn[i]=µ[i] exists
and µ[i]>0.
3 Enumeration of Rooted Trees
3.1 Labelled Rooted Trees
We use generating functions methods to determine µ_[i] in the
labelled case. Note that a similar proof can be done for the
unlabelled case.
Let T(x) denote the generating function for labelled rooted trees:
T(x)=t1x+ |
x2+ |
+ |
xn+··· |
where ti is the number of i vertex labelled rooted trees.
Since this structure is decomposable, we easily
obtain a functional equation on
T(x) and find:T(x)=xeT(x).
Hence, using Lagrange inversion we get:
T(x)=x+ |
x2+ |
+ |
xn+···. |
The radius of convergence of this series is r=1/e,
x=r is the only singularity on the circle of convergence,
where there exists a constant h1 such that T(x) behaves like
1+h1(r-x)1/2. One can then
apply Darboux's theorem and find that tn behaves asymptotically
like tn~ Cr-nn-3/2.
3.2 Labelled Trees with a Particular Root Colour
Let Ti(x) be the generating function for labelled trees with root
colour i,
To find yi=Ti(x) we have to solve the system:
{yi=gi(x,y1,...,yk)} |
where |
gi(x,y1,...,yk)=x |
··· |
. |
4 Cesàro Probabilities
To determine probability µ_[i] we use a partial converse of
the following Abelian theorem:
Theorem 3
Let b(x)=ån³ 0bnxn, c(x)=ån³ 0cnxn
and r be the radius of convergence of b(x). If limn®¥cn/bn=µ and ån³ 0
bnrn diverges then:
Setting c(x)=Ti'(x) and b(x)=T'(x), we find that the conditions above
are satisfied since limx®r -T'(x)=¥. The result is given by the following Tauberian theorem:
Theorem 4 [Compton [1]]
Let bn~ Cna, a>-1, bn¹ 0 for n³ 0,
cn=O(bn). If where
r is the
radius of convergence of b(x)=ån³ 0 bnxn then:
T |
(x)= |
Tk(x))+ |
T |
(x) |
(x,Ti(x),...,Tk(x)), |
when x®r -, we have
Thus, the µ_[i] are linearly dependent, as the following matrix
relation shows:
é ê ê ê ê ê ê ê ê ê ê ë |
ù ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú û |
=W(r) |
é ê ê ê ê ê ê ê ê ê ê ë |
ù ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú û |
where W(r)= |
é ê ê ê ê ê ê ê ê ê ê ë |
ù ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú û |
, |
yielding the linear system:
(Id-W(r)) T[µ_[i]···µ_[k]]=0.
Here W(r) is a stochastic matrix, and
from the theory of nonnegative matrices, the rank of
(Id-W(r)) is k-1. Consequently, the linear system above
has a unique solution satisfying µ_[i]+... + µ_[k]=1.
We associate with W(r) its dependency digraph D.
Namely, we put a directed edge from vertex j to vertex i iff
¶ gi/¶ yi(r,T1(r),...,Tk(r
In other words, this directed edge exists iff $
C1···$ Ck (Cj>0Ù h(C1,...,Ck)=i)
Property 1
There is a unique strong component S in D with the property that,
for every colour j, there is a directed edge in D from j to some
colour in S.
S is called the principal component of D.
This property is the key point to prove the first part of
theorem 1:
Theorem 5
For any system of colouring rules, µ_[i] exists for all colours
i. Moreover, if S is the principal component of dependency digraph
D then
From the property above there exist A(x) and B(x) such that
and A(x) is an irreducible matrix.
Matrix A(x) is indexed by S={1,...,s} after renumbering.
Since 1 is the largest eigenvalue of A(r), from Perron-Frobenius
theory (see for instance [7])
there is a unique
normalized solution m1,...,ms of
with m1>0,...,ms>0. Then we just show that 1 cannot be an
eigenvalue of B(r) and prove that [m1,...,ms,0,...,0]
is a normalized eigenvector of W (r).
The colours that do not belong to the principal component S have
probabilities that converge exponentially to zero, as the
following theorem shows:
Theorem 6
For any system of colouring rules, if iÏS then there is some
c>1 such that µn[i]<c-n. (The same property holds in the
unlabeled case).
Proof.[Sketch of proof]
We prove that for each i such that iÏS, Ti(x) has an
analytic continuation on the circle of convergence of T(x), meaning
that the radius of convergence of Ti(x), ri, is greater than
r. Since µn[i]=tni/tn, this leads to desired result.
For details, see [8].
5 Existence of µ[i]
We examine here a sufficient condition to ensure the existence of
µ[i] rather than just µ_[i]. The existence of µ[i] is
conditioned by the presence of a unique singularity on the circle
of convergence of Ti(x), indeed:
Lemma 1
Let A(x) be the irreducible block of matrix W(x). If
det(A(x)-I)¹ 0 for all x¹r on the circle |x|=r then
µ[i] exists for all
iÎ S. The probabilities
µ[1],...,µ[s] are all strictly positive and form the unique
normalized solution of
See [8]
If we look again the first example, clearly µ[1] and µ[2] do
not exist since series Tblack(x) and Twhite(x) have two
singularities on the circle |x|=r.
The next theorem is a sufficient criterion on colouring rules to
guarantee the convergence of µn[i]:
Theorem 7
Suppose that for each iÎ{1,...,k} there exists at least one
pair of rules of the following sort, namely:
there exists C1>1,...,Ck>1 such that h(C1,...,Ci-1,...,Ck)=h(C1,...,Ci,...,Ck).
Then µ[i]
exists and µ[i]>0 for all iÎ S.
Proof.[Sketch of proof]
We prove that det(I-W(x))¹ 0 for all |x|£r except
x=r, and that each Ti(x) has at most x=r as a singularity
on the circle |x|=r.
6 Open Problems and Extensions
Characterize the asymptotic behaviour of µn[i] for general
systems of colouring rules;
- Assume j is a monadic second order sentence. For labeled
free trees, McColm [6]
proved probability µn(j) satisfied a 0-1 law;
- What happens when we distinguish multiple roots?
- Take unary functions y=f(x). If for some e>0 and
g>0, probability µn(j)>e/ng for
infinitely many n, is there always a simple asymptotic formula for
A partial answer to this last question is that µn(j)
converges, and it has been given in the labeled case
for g=0
by Compton and Shelah; Woods (also in the unlabeled case) [9];
Luczak and Thoma [5].
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