Monodromy of Polylogarithms
Minh Hoang Ngoc
LIFL, Université de Lille I
Algorithms Seminar
July 6, 1998
[summary by David M. Bradley]
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Generalized polylogarithms are complex, multivalued functions with
singularities at z=0 and z=1. We calculate the monodromy at the
two singularities. As opposed to the classical
polylogs [11, 12],
the monodromy
of generalized polylogs involves the so-called ``multiple zeta
values,'' [14]
which play an important role in number theory, knot
theory [4, 6, 5, 10],
and physics [7, 9].
Via monodromy of polylogs, Radford [13] showed
that the C-algebra of polylogs
is isomorphic to the C-algebra of non-commutative polynomials in two
variables---a ``shuffle algebra'' freely generated by the so-called
Lyndon words.
Here, monodromy is used to give an
induction proof of the linear independence of the polylogarithms.
We also obtain a Gröbner basis of the polynomial relations between
``multiple zeta values'' using the techniques of non-commutative algebra.
By expressing multiple zeta values in terms
of the Gröbner basis, one obtains symbolic algebraic proofs of
relations between multiple zeta values.
1 Polylogarithms and Combinatorics on Words
Let X={x0,x1}. To any word w=x0s1-1x1x0s2-1x1
··· x0sk-1x1
we associate the multi-index s=(s1,s2,...,sk) and define
the generalized polylogarithm
The associated multiple zeta value
is zw=z(s)=Liw(1)=Lis(1).
The shuffle product is defined on words by
the recursion
xu W yv = x(u W yv) + y(xu W v),
where x,yÎ X and u and v are words on X.
We can extend the shuffle product linearly to the non-commutative
polynomials Qá Xñ. The resulting polynomial algebra, denoted
ShQ(X) is commutative and associative.
The Lyndon words L are those non-empty
words on X that are inferior to each of their right factors
in the lexicographical order. They are algebraically independent
and generate ShQ(X), thus forming a transcendence
basis. More precisely,
a theorem of Radford [13]
states that the algebra ShQ(X)
is isomorphic to the polynomial algebra generated by the Lyndon
words, i.e. Q[L].
2 Relations between Multiple Zeta Values
There are countless relations between multiple zeta
values [1, 3, 2].
We content
ourselves here with providing only two examples:
and z(2,2,1)=- |
It turns out that a large class of relations can be
explained by the collision of two distinct
shuffles obeyed by the multiple zeta values. We've already seen
one type of shuffle. It provides relations
of the form zuW v=zu
zv. A second type of shuffle provides relations of the form
zu*v=zuzv and is defined by the recursion
(s1,s) * (t1,t) = (s1,s*(t1,t)) + (t1,(s1,s)*t)+(s1+t1,s*t),
where we have used the multi-index notation s=(s2,s3,...,sk),
t=(t2,t3,...,tr) of Section 1.
With a slight abuse of notation, we define a map z: w® zw,
extended linearly in the natural way to Qá Xñ. Then z
is a Q-algebra homomorphism which respects both shuffle products.
Thus, if I is
the ideal generated by the words u W v - u*v, then I Í
kerz. We can compute a Gröbner basis for the ideal
I up to any given order using only symbolic computation. The first
relation above is the unique basis element of order 3. The second
relation above is one of five basis elements of order 5.
3 Monodromy of Polylogarithms
To compute the monodromy, we use the standard keyhole contours about
the two singularities z=0 and z=1. The monodromy is given by
where the remaining terms are linear combinations of polylogarithms coded
by words of lengths less than the length of w.
For example, using the computational package Axiom, we find that
M1Li |
=Li |
M1Li |
=Li |
-2p i,
M1Li |
=Li |
-2p iLi |
and so on.
The generating series of the generalized polylogarithms is
with the convention that Lix0n(z) = (log z)n/n!.
Drinfel'd's differential equation [8, 9]
is satisfied, with boundary condition
L(e)=exp(x0log e)+O((e)1/2) as e®0+.
It turns out that L is a Lie exponential, and this fact can be used
to obtain asymptotic expansions of the generalized polylogarithms at
4 Independence of Polylogarithms
Theorem 1
The functions Liw with wÎ X* are C-linearly
Corollary 1
The C-algebra generated by the Liw is isomorphic
to ShC(X). By Radford's theorem, the generalized
polylogarithms coded by Lyndon words form an infinite transcendence
Corollary 2
Each generalized polylogarithm Liw has a unique
representation as a Q-polynomial in polylogarithms coded by
Lyndon words. The classical [11, 12]
polylogarithms Lik,
which are coded by the Lyndon words x0k-1x1, are algebraically
Proof.[Proof of Theorem 1]
Given n³ 0, assume that
where |w| denotes the length of the word w. We prove by induction
on n that lw=0 for all w, the case n=0 being trivial.
Rewrite (1) as
Applying the operators (M0-Id) and (Id-M1)
on this latter expression, yields two new linear relations
for certain coefficients µu and nu. By the induction hypothesis,
the coefficients lux0 and lux1 with |u|=n-1
all vanish (as well as the coefficients µu and nu).
whence lw=0 for all w, again by the induction hypothesis.
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