Mac Mahon's Partition Analysis Revisited
Peter Paule
RISC, Linz (Austria)
Algorithms Seminar
October 2, 2000
[summary by Sylvie Corteel]
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The purpose of this talk is to present the W operator
introduced by Mac Mahon in 1915 and to show its power in current
combinatorial and partition-theoretic research. This operator is
implemented in the Mathematica Package Omega which was
developped by A. Riese. This is joint work with G. E. Andrews (Penn
State University) and A. Riese (RISC-Linz).
1 Introduction
Mac Mahon devoted many pages of his famous book ``Combinatorial
Analysis'' [9] to W-calculus. Netherveless this method
was not used for 85 years except by Stanley in 1973 [10].
The purpose of this talk is to present the W operator and to
show its power in current combinatorial and partition-theoretic
research [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. In
this summary, we define the W operator and exhibit a few of its
elimination rules, before giving two problems where this operator is a
powerful tool: lecture hall partitions and k-gons of integer length.
2 The Omega Operator
Let us now define the operator and present a few rules.
Definition 1 [9]
The Omega operator W� is defined as follows:
W� |
... |
... |
To evaluate this operator, Mac Mahon proposed a list of elimination
rules. The proof of each is straightforward as it uses the simple
We list a few of them only:
W� |
l-s |
(1-l x) |
� |
1- |
� |
W� |
1 |
(1-l x) |
� |
1- |
� |
� |
1- |
� |
W� |
1 |
(1-l x) |
� |
1- |
� |
W� |
1 |
(1-ls x) |
� |
1- |
� |
For example to find the generating function of the partitions with
three parts and whose parts differ by at least two, we use the first
f3(q)=W� |
=W� |
l1-2l2-2q3 |
(1-l1 q) |
� |
1 - |
� |
� |
1 - |
� |
=W� |
q2l2-2q3 |
(1-q) |
( |
1 -l2q2 |
) |
� |
1 - |
� |
= |
q2q4q3 |
(1-q) |
( |
1 -q2 |
) |
( |
1 -q3 |
) |
It is also possible to generalize this result for partitions with
k parts and whose parts differ by at least two for any k>0, that
3 Lecture Hall Partitions
The lecture hall partition theorem is one of the most elegant recent
result in partition analysis [6, 7]. Let us state the
refinement of this theorem [8].
Theorem 1
The number of partitions of n of the form (bj,bj-1,..., b1)
with bj/j�bj-1/j-1�...�b1/1�0
and bj-bj-1+...+(-1)j-1 b1=m is equal to the number of
partitions of n into m odd parts less than 2j.
This theorem can also be proved with the Omega
operator [1], which is what motivated G. E. Andrews to
resuscitate the Omega operator. The proof mainly uses the elimination
W� |
1 |
(1-l x) |
� |
1- |
� |
= |
Let us illustrate it for j=3.
=W� |
l12b3-3b2l2b2-2b1xb3-b2+b1qb3+b2+b1 |
=W� |
1 |
(1-l12qx) |
� |
1- |
� |
� |
1- |
� |
=W� |
The Omega operator can also give a bijective proof of the theorem
[5]. Let us show how to proceed for j=3:
=W� |
=W� |
1+q2q32 |
(1-q3)(1-q22q33)(1-q1q22q33) |
From the previous equation we get that there is a bijection between
the lecture hall partitions (b3,b2,b1) of n and the partitions
of n into parts {1,3,5} with multiplicity mi for the
part i. This bijection becomes:
b3=3m5+2m3- |
� |
� |
b1= |
� |
� |
4 k-Gons with Integer Length
The problem can be defined as follows. The
number |Tk(n)| of k-gons with length n is equal to
the number of solutions of
ak� ak-1�...
� a1�1,
Let Fk(q)=�n|Tk(n)|qn be the associated generating
function. For triangles (k=3) we get
This is easy to prove as conditions (1) give
F3(q)=W� |
l1a3-a2l2a2-a1l3a1+a2-a3-1qa1+a2+a3 |
=W� |
ql1-1 |
� |
1- |
� |
� |
1- |
� |
� |
1- |
� |
= |
We can even be more specific
F3(q1,q2,q3)= |
q1a1 q2a2 q3a3
=W� |
l1a3-a2l2a2-a1l3a1+a2-a3-1q1a1 q2a2 |
=W� |
ql1-1 |
� |
1- |
� |
� |
1- |
� |
� |
1- |
� |
= |
q1q2q3 |
(1-q2q3)(1-q1q2q3)(1-q1q2q32) |
This shows there is a bijection between the 3-tuples (u1,u2,u3)
of N3 and the triangles whose sides have length u1+u2+1,
u1+u2+u3+1 and u1+2u2+u3+1.
Thanks to the Omega operator we can compute the generating function for
larger k:
F4(q) |
= |
q4(1+q+q5) |
(1-q2)(1-q3)(1-q4)(1-q6) |
, |
F5(q) |
= |
q5(1-q11) |
(1-q)(1-q2)(1-q4)(1-q5)(1-q6)(1-q8) |
, |
F6(q) |
= |
q6(1-q4+q5+q7-q8-q13) |
(1-q)(1-q2)(1-q4)(1-q6)(1-q8)(1-q10) |
We then can see that no pattern can be found and the Omega operator
was a quick tool to show that the solutions of this k-gon problem do
not have ``nice'' generating functions.
- [1]
Andrews (George E.). --
MacMahon's partition analysis. I. The lecture hall partition
theorem. In Mathematical essays in honor of Gian-Carlo Rota (Cambridge,
MA, 1996), pp. 1--22. --
Birkh�user Boston, Boston, MA, 1998.
- [2]
Andrews (George E.). --
MacMahon's partition analysis. II. Fundamental theorems. Annals of Combinatorics, vol. 4, n°3-4, 2000,
pp. 327--338. --
Conference on Combinatorics and Physics (Los Alamos, NM, 1998).
- [3]
Andrews (George E.) and Paule (Peter). --
MacMahon's partition analysis. IV. Hypergeometric multisums.
S�minaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, vol. 42, n°B42i,
1999. --
The Andrews Festschrift (Maratea, 1998). 24 pages.
- [4]
Andrews (George E.), Paule (Peter), and Riese (Axel). --
MacMahon's partition analysis: the Omega package. European
Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 22, n°7, 2001,
pp. 887--904.
- [5]
Andrews (George E.), Paule (Peter), Riese (Axel), and Strehl (Volker). --
MacMahon's partition analysis. V. Bijections, recursions, and
magic squares. In Algebraic combinatorics and applications (G��weinstein, 1999), pp. 1--39. --
Springer, Berlin, 2001.
- [6]
Bousquet-M�lou (Mireille) and Eriksson (Kimmo). --
Lecture hall partitions. The Ramanujan Journal, vol. 1,
n°1, 1997, pp. 101--111.
- [7]
Bousquet-M�lou (Mireille) and Eriksson (Kimmo). --
Lecture hall partitions. II. The Ramanujan Journal, vol. 1,
n°2, 1997, pp. 165--185.
- [8]
Bousquet-M�lou (Mireille) and Eriksson (Kimmo). --
A refinement of the lecture hall theorem. Journal of
Combinatorial Theory. Series A, vol. 86, n°1, 1999,
pp. 63--84.
- [9]
MacMahon (Percy A.). --
Combinatory analysis. --
Chelsea Publishing Co., New York, 1960,
xix+302+xix+340p. Two volumes (bound as one).
- [10]
Stanley (Richard P.). --
Linear homogeneous Diophantine equations and magic labelings of
graphs. Duke Mathematical Journal, vol. 40, 1973,
pp. 607--632.
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