Gfun is a Maple package that provides tools for
- guessing a sequence or a series from its first terms;
- manipulating rigorously solutions of linear differential or recurrence equations, using the equation as a data-structure.
Download gfun 3.65 (June 2012)
The latest version of gfun
can be downloaded from here. It consists of two files:
Once downloaded, see the help page of libname
to understand how to make them available from Maple. Typically, your session will contain something like
You can check that this worked by asking gfun:-version();
This should return the number above.
Reference for Gfun
The primary reference to use when citing gfun
is the following one.
If you are using the NumGfun
subpackage, then the proper reference is:
Articles citing Gfun
The following is a list of articles that cite gfun
. If
you know of an article that is not in this list, but does cite
, please send us an email so that we add it to this
- Brisebarre (N.), Joldeş (M.), Martin-Dorel (É.), Mayero (M.), Muller (J.-M.), Paşca (I.), Rideau (L.) and Théry (L.) -
Rigorous polynomial approximation using Taylor models in Coq.
4th NASA Formal Methods Symposium, vol. 7226 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 85–99.
- Buchberger (B.), Rosenkranz (M.) -
Transforming problems from analysis to algebra: A case study in linear boundary problems. Journal of Symbolic Computation,
vol. 47, n°6, pages 589–609.
- Bousquet-Mélou (M.), Fusy (É.), Préville-Ratelle (L.-F.) -
The number of intervals in the m-Tamari lattices. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,
vol. 18, n°2, pages 1–26.
- Al-Salman (A.), Rhouma (M.B.H.), Al-Jarrah (A.A.) -
On integrals and sums involving special functions.
Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences,
vol. 23, n°2, pages 123–141.
- Bernardi (O.), Bousquet-Mélou (M.) -
Counting colored planar maps: Algebraicity results.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B,
vol. 101, n°5, pages 315–377.
- Hebisch (W.), Rubey (M.) -
Extended Rate, more Gfun.
Journal of Symbolic Computation,
vol. 46, n°8, pages 889–903.
- Kauers (M.), Paule (P.) -
The Concrete Tetrahedron. Series
Texts and Monographs in Symbolic Computation, 203 pages.
- Labelle (G.), Lacasse (A.) -
Closed paths whose steps are roots of unity.
DMTCS Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC'11),
pages 599–610.
- Bacher (R.), Flajolet (P.) -
Pseudo-factorials, elliptic functions, and continued fractions.
Ramanujan Journal,
vol. 21, n°1, paegs 71–97.
- Bostan (A.), Kauers (M.), van Hoeij (M.) -
The complete generating function for Gessel walks is algebraic.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,
vol. 138, n°9, pages 3063–3078.
- Denise (A.), Ponty (Y.), Termier (M.) -
Controlled non-uniform random generation of decomposable structures.
Theoretical Computer Science,
vol. 411, n°40-42, pages 3527–3552.
- Mezzarobba (M.) -
NumGfun: A package for numerical and analytic computation with D-finite functions.
International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, ISSAC 2010, Munich, July, pages 139–146.
- Blümlein (J.), Kauers (M.), Klein (S.), Schneider (C.) -
Determining the closed forms of the $O(a_s^3)$ anomalous dimensions and Wilson coefficients from Mellin moments by means of computer algebra.
Computer Physics Communications,
vol. 180, n°11, pages 2143–2165.
- Bostan (A.) and Kauers (M.) -
Automatic classification of restricted lattice walks.
DMTCS Proceedings
of the 21st International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC'09),
pages 203–217.
- Gerhold (S.), Warnung (R.) -
Finding efficient recursions for risk aggregation by computer algebra.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
vol. 223, n°1, pages 499–507.
- Kauers (M.), Koutschan (C.) -
A Mathematica package for q-holonomic sequences and power series.
Ramanujan Journal,
vol. 19, n°2, pages 137–150.
- Koseleff (P.-V.), Pecker, D. -
A polynomial parametrization of torus knots.
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing,
vol. 20, n°5-6, pages 361–377.
- Mishna (M.). -
Classifying lattice walks restricted to the quarter plane.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, vol. 116, n°2, pages 460–477.
- Rechnitzer, (A.) -
The anisotropic generating function of self-avoiding polygons is not D-finite.
Polygons, Polyominoes and Polycubes, A. J. Guttman (ed.),
vol. 775 of Lecture Notes in Physics, pages 93–115.
- van der Hoeven (J.). -
On asymptotic extrapolation.
Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 44, n°8, pages 1000–1016.
- Ayyer (A.) and Zeilberger (D.) -
Two dimensional directed lattice walks with boundaries.
Tapas in Experimental Matehmatics, Contemporary Mathematics Series, vol. 457, pages 1–19.
- Bernardi (O.) -
On Triangulations with High Vertex Degree.
Annals of Combinatorics,
vol. 12, n°1, pages 17–44.
- Borwein (J. M.) and Salvy (B.). -
A proof of a recursion for Bessel moments.
Experimental Mathematics, vol. 17, n°2, 223–230.
- Carette (J.), Smith (S.), McCutchan (J.), Anand (C.), Korobkine (A.) -
Case studies in model manipulation for scientific computing.
Intelligent Computer Mathematics,
vol. 5144 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 24–37.
- Egorychev (G. P.) and Zima (E. V.). -
Integral representation and algorithms for closed form summation.
Handbook of Algebra, vol. 5, North-Holland, pages 459–529.
- Gerhold (S.), Glebsky (L.), Schneider (C.), Weiss (H.), Zimmermann (B.) -
Computing the complexity for Schelling segregation models.
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,
vol. 13, n°10, pages 2236–2245.
- Kauers (M.) and Zimmermann (B.) -
Computing the algebraic relations of C-finite sequences and multisequences.
Journal of Symbolic Computation,
vol 43, pages 787–803.
- Lorenz (W. A.), Ponty (Y.), Clote (P.) -
Asymptotics of RNA shapes.
Journal of Computational Biology,
vol. 15, n°1, pages 31–63.
- Ponty (Y.). -
Efficient sampling of RNA secondary structures from the Boltzmann ensemble of low-energy: the boustrophedon method.
Journal of Mathematical Biology,
vol. 56, 1–2, pages 107–127.
- Prodinger (H.). -
On the order of the recursion relation of Motzkin numbers of higher rank.
Open Applied Mathematics Journal, vol. 2, pages 14–15.
- Rao (N.) and Edelman (A.). -
The polynomial method for random matrices.
Foundations of Computational Mathematics vol. 8, n°6, pages 649–702.
- Zhang (J.). -
Sumudu transform based coefficients calculation.
Nonlinear Studies vol. 15, n°4, pages 355–372.
- Bodirsky (M.), Gröpl (C.), Johannsen (D.), and Kang (M.). -
A direct decomposition of 3-connected planar graphs.
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, vol. 54a, pages 1–15.
- Carette (J.) and Janicki (R.) -
Computing Properties of Numerical Imperative Programs by Symbolic Computation.
Fundamenta Informaticae,
vol. 80, n°1–3, pages 125–146.
- Schneider (C.). -
Symbolic summation assists combinatorics.
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire,
vol. 56, n°B56b, pages 1–36.
- Fusy (É.) -
Counting Unrooted Maps Using Tree-Decomposition.
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, vol. 54A, pages 1–44.
- Kauers (M.). -
An algorithm for deciding zero equivalence of nested polynomially recurrent sequences.
ACM Transactions on Algorithms,
vol. 3, 2, art. 1240241.
- Kauers (M.). -
Computer algebra and power series with positive coefficients.
Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (Tianjin, China), pages 1–7.
- Koepf (W.). -
Bieberbach's conjecture, the de Branges and Weinstein functions and the Askey-Gasper inequality.
Ramanujan Journal,
vol. 13, 1–3, pages 103–129.
- Koepf (W.), Rajkovic (P. M.), Marinkovic (S.D.).
Properties of q-holonomic functions.
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications,
vol. 13, n°7, pages 621–638.
- Mansour (T.), Schork (M.) and Sun (Y.) -
Motzkin numbers of higher rank: generating function and explicit expression.
Journal of Integer Sequences vol. 10, n°7, Article 07.7.4, 11 pages.
- Paule (P.) and Schneider (C.). -
Truncating binomial series with symbolic summation.
Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory vol. 7, n°A22, pages 1–9.
- Schneider (C.). -
Apéry's double sum is plain sailing indeed.
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,
vol. 14, 1, pages 1–3.
- Zeilberger (D.). -
The Holonomic Ansatz II. Automatic Discovery(!) and Proof(!!) of Holonomic Determinant Evaluations.
Annals of Combinatorics,
vol. 11, n°2, pages 241–247.
- Becirovic (A.), Paule (P.), Pillwein (V.), Riese (A.), Schneider (C.), Schöberl (J.).
Hypergeometric summation algorithms for high-order finite elements.
vol. 78, n°3, pages 235–249.
- Bousquet-Mélou (M.). -
Three osculating walkers.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
vol. 42, n°1, art. 5, pages 37–46.
- Bousquet-Mélou (M.). -
Rational and algebraic series in combinatorial enumeration.
International Congress of Mathematicians, Invited paper, pages 789–826.
- Bousquet-Mélou (M.). -
Three osculating walkers.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 42, pages 35–46.
- Bousquet-Mélou (M.) and Xin (G.). -
On partitions avoiding 3-crossings.
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, vol. B54e, pages 1–21.
- Gerhold (S.), and Kauers (M.). -
A computer proof of Turán's inequality. Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 7, n°2, Article 42.
- Kauers (M.). -
Shift equivalence of P-finite sequences.
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,
vol. 13, R. 100, pages 1–16.
- Kovacs (L.), Popov (N.), and Jebelean (T.). -
Combining logic and algebraic techniques for program verification in theorema.
Second International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, IEEE Press, pages 67–74.
- Kovacs (L.), Popov (N.), and Jebelean (T.). -
Experimental Program Verification in the Theorema System.
Int. Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer.
- Massazza (P.) and Radicioni (R.) -
A symbolic approach to computing the holonomic functions.
Pure Mathematics and Applications vol. 17, n°1-2, 147–164.
- Scott (T. C.), Aubert-Frécon (M.), and Grotendorst (J.). -
New approach for the electronic energies of the hydrogen molecular ion. Chemical Physics, vol. 324, n°2-3, pages 323–338.
- Rechnitzer, (A.). -
Haruspicy 3: The anisotropic generating function of directed bond-animals is not D-finite.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A, vol. 113, n°6, pages 1031–1049.
- Andrews (G. E.), Paule (P.) and Schneider (C.) -
Plane partitions VI: Stembridge's TSPP theorem. Advances in
Applied Mathematics, vol. 34, n°4, pages 709–739.
- Bousquet-Mélou. -
Algebraic generating functions in enumerative combinatorics and context-free languages.
STACS 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3404, pages 18–35.
- Chyzak (F.), Mishna (M.), and Salvy (B.). -
Effective scalar products of D-finite symmetric functions. Journal of
Combinatorial Theory, Series A, vol. 112, n°1, October 2005,
pages 1–43.
- Kovacs (L.) and Jebelean (T.). -
Automated generation of loop invariants by recurrence solving in theorema.
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC04), Timisoara, Romania, Analele Universitatii din Timisoara, Vol. XXXIX, Fasc. 2, Seria Matematica-Informatica.
- Ulmer (F.) -
Note on algebraic solutions of differential equations with known
finite Galois group. Applicable Algebra in Engineering,
Communications and Computing, vol. 16, n°4, pages 205–218.
- Ahmed (M.), Ward (R.) and Kharma (N.) -
Solving mathematical problems using knowledge-based
systems. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,
vol. 67, n°1-2, pages 149–161.
- Foupouagnigni (M.), Koepf (W.) and Ronveaux (A.). -
Factorization of fourth-order differential equations for perturbed
classical orthogonal polynomials. Journal of Computational
and Applied Mathematics,
vol. 162, n°2, pages 299–326.
- Schneider (C.). -
The Summation Package Sigma: Underlying Principles and a Rhombus Tiling Application.
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 6, n°2, pages 365–386.
- Barkatou (M.), Chyzak (F.), and Loday-Richaud (M.). -
Remarques algorithmiques liées au rang d'un opérateur différentiel linéaire.
IRMA Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, vol. 3, de Gruyter, pages 87–129.
- Brennan (C. A. C.) and Prodinger (H.). -
The pills problem revisited. Quaestiones Mathematicae,
vol. 26, n°4, pages 427–439.
- Durand (M.). -
Asymptotic analysis of an optimized quicksort algorithm. Inf. Process.
Lett., vol. 85, n°2, 2003, pages 73–77.
- Foupouagnigni (M.), Koepf (W.) and Ronveaux (A.). -
On fourth-order difference equations for orthogonal polynomials of a
discrete variable: Derivation, factorization and
solutions. Journal of Difference Equations and
vol. 9, n°9, pages 777–804.
- Koepf (W.) and VanAssche (W.) -
Computer algebra algorithms for orthogonal polynomials and special functions.
Orthogonal polynomials and special functions, Lecture notes in Mathematics, vol. 1817, pages 1–24.
- Meunier (L.) and Salvy (B.). -
ESF: An automatically generated encyclopedia of special functions.
ISSAC'03, ACM Press, pages 199–205.
- Paule (P.) and Schneider (C.). -
Computer proofs of a new family of harmonic number
identities. Advances in Applied Mathematics,
vol. 31, n°2, 2003, pages 359–378.
- Sloane (N. J. A.) -
The on-line encyclopedia of integer sequences.
Notices of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 50, n°8, pages 912–915.
- Banderier (C.) and Flajolet (P.). -
Basic analytic combinatorics of directed lattice paths. Theor. Comput.
Sci., vol. 281, n°1-2, 2002, pages 37–80.
- Deutsch (E.) and Noy (M.). -
Statistics on non-crossing trees. Discret. Math., vol. 254,
n°1-3, 2002, pages 75–87.
- Fabijonas (B. R.). -
Laplace's method on a computer algebra system with an application to the real
valued modified bessel functions. J. Comput. Appl. Math.,
vol. 146, n°2, 2002, pages 323–342.
- Flajolet (P.), Hatzis (K.), Nikoletseas (S.), and Spirakis (P.). -
On the robustness of interconnections in random graphs: a symbolic approach.
Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 287, n°2, 2002, pages
- Guttmann (A. J.) and Vöge (M.). -
Lattice paths: vicious walkers and friendly walkers.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference vol. 101, n°1-2,
pages 107–131.
- Nicodème (P.), Salvy (B.), and Flajolet (P.). -
Motif statistics. Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 287, n°2,
2002, pages 593–617.
- Van der Hoeven (J.). -
Relax, but don't be too lazy. Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 34,
n°6, 2002, pages 479–542.
- Beckermann (B.) and Labahn (G.). -
Fraction-free computation of matrix rational interpolants and matrix gcds.
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., vol. 22, n°1, 2000, pages
- Beckermann (B.) and Labahn (G.). -
Effective computation of rational approximants and interpolants.
Reliable Computing vol. 6, n°4, pages 365–390.
- Bergeron (F.) and Gascon (F.). -
Counting Young tableaux of bounded height.
Journal of Integer Sequences vol. 3, n°1, Article 00.1.7.
- Bousquet-Mélou (M.). -
Sorted and/or sortable permutations. Discret. Math.,
vol. 225, n°1-3, 2000, pages 25–50.
- Brogelli (S.), Merlini (D.) and Sprugnoli (R.) -
Proving a class of hypergeometric identities by means of generating functions
Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, 12th FPSAC conference, Moscow, Russia, pages 645–654.
- Deutsch (E.) and Noy (M.) -
New statistics on non-crossing trees.
Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, 12th FPSAC conference, Moscow, Russia, pages 667–676.
- Fulmek (M.) and Krattenthaler (C.), -
The number of rhombus tilings of a symmetric hexagon which contain a fixed
rhombus on the symmetry axis, II.
Europ. J. Combinatorics,
vol. 21, pages 601–640.
- Lercier (R.) and Morain (F.). -
Computing isogenies between elliptic curves over $F_p^n$ using {C}ouveignes's
algorithm. Math. Comput., vol. 69, n°229, 2000, pages
- Litow (B.). -
On Hadamard square roots of unity. Theoretical Computer Science,
vol. 237, n°1-2, 2000, pages 447–454.
- Suter (R.). -
Two analogues of a classical sequence.
Journal of Integer Sequences, vol. 3, n°1.
- Chyzak (F.), Gutman (I.), and Paule (P.). -
Predicting the number of hexagonal systems with 24 and 25 hexagons.
Match-Commun. Math. Chem., n°40, 1999, pages
- Denise (A.) and Zimmermann (P.). -
Uniform random generation of decomposable structures using floating-point
arithmetic. Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 218, n°2,
pages 233–248.
- Evans (R.), Hollmann (H. D. L.), Krattenthaler (C.) and Xiang (Q.). -
Gauss sums, Jacobi sums, and p-ranks of cyclic difference sets.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, series A, vol. 87, n°1, pages 74–119.
- Flajolet (P.) and Noy (M.). -
Analytic combinatorics of non-crossing configurations. Discret.
Math., vol. 204, n°1-3, 1999, pages 203–229.
- Krattenthaler (C.). -
Advanced determinant calculus
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, vol. 42, pages 1–67.
- Ronveaux (A.), Zarzo (A.), Area (I.), and Godoy (E.). -
Decomposition of polynomials with respect to the cyclic group of order m.
Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 28, n°6, 1999, pages
- Bousquet-Mélou (M.). -
Multi-statistic enumeration of two-stack sortable permutations.
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 5, n°1, pages 1–12.
- Chyzak (F.) and Salvy (B.). -
Non-commutative elimination in Ore algebras proves multivariate identities.
Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 26, n°2, 1998, pages
- Denise (A.), Dutour (I.), and Zimmermann (P.). -
CS: a Mupad package for counting and randomly generating combinatorial structures.
Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, pages 1–10.
- Krattenthaler (C.). -
An alternative evaluation of the Andrews-Burge determinant.
Progress in Mathematics, vol. 161., pages 263–270.
- Martínez (C.), Panholzer (A.), and Prodinger (H.). -
On the number of descendants and ascendants in random search trees.
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics vol. 5, n°1, pages 1–26.
- Panholzer (A.) and Prodinger (H.). -
Towards a more precise analysis of an algorithm to generate binary trees: A
tutorial. Comput. J., vol. 41, n°3, 1998, pages
- Prodinger (H.). -
Combinatorial sums in the analysis of a generalized van der Pol equation.
Mapletech, vol. 5, n°1, 1998, pages 33–36.
- Abramov (S. A.) and Zima (E. V.). -
Minimal completely factorable annihilators.
ISSAC'97, ACM Press, pages 290–297.
- Bauschke (H. H.) and Corless (R. M.). -
Analyzing a projection method with maple. Mapletech, vol. 4,
n°1, 1997, pages 2–7.
- Beckermann (B.), Cabay (S.) and Labahn (G.). -
Fraction-free computation of matrix Padé systems.
ISSAC'97, ACM Press, pages 125–132.
- Borwein (J. M.), Lisonek (P.), and Macdonald (J. A.). -
Arithmetic-geometric means revisited. Mapletech, vol. 4,
n°1, 1997, pages 20–27.
- Bousquet-Mélou (M.) and Guttmann (T.). -
Enumeration of three-dimensional convex polygons.
Annals of Combinatorics, vol. 1, pages 27–53.
- Flajolet (P.) and Salvy (B.). -
The Sigsam challenges: Symbolic asymptotics in practice.
SIGSAM Bulletin, vol. 31, n°4, pages 36–47.
- Koepf (W.). -
Identities for families of orthogonal polynomials and special functions.
Integral Transforms and Special Functions vol. 5, n°1, pages 69–102.
- Li (Z.) and Nemes (I.). -
A modular algorithm for computing greatest common right divisors of Ore polynomials.
ISSAC'97, ACM Press, 1997, pages 282–289.
- Pelz (R. B.) and Gulak (Y.). -
Evidence for a real-time singularity in hydrodynamics from time series
analysis. Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 79, n°25, 1997, pages
- Prodinger (H.). -
On a question of Cooper and Kennedy. Fibonacci Q.,
vol. 35, n°2, 1997, pages 135–136.
- Tsarev (S. P.). -
Symbolic manipulation of integrodifferential expressions and factorization of linear ordinary
differential operators over transcendental extensions of a differential field.
ISSAC'97, ACM Press, pages 310–315.
- Grosse-Kunstleve (R. W.), Brunner (G. O.), and Sloane (N. J. A.). -
Algebraic description of coordination sequences and exact topological densities
for zeolites. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. A, vol. 52, n°6,
1996, pages 879–889.
- Noonan (J.) and Zeilberger (D.) -
The Enumeration of Permutations with a Prescribed Number of ``Forbidden'' Patterns.
Advances in Applied Mathematics, vol. 17, pages 381–407.
- Zeilberger (D.). -
Self-avoiding walks, the language of science, and Fibonacci numbers.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, vol. 54, pages 135–138.
- Bergeron (F.) and Sattler (U.). - Constructible differentially finite algebraic
series in several variables. Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 144, n°1-2,
pages 59–65.
- Flajolet (P.) and Salvy (B.). -
Computer algebra libraries for combinatorial structures.
Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 20, n°5-6, 1995, pages 653–671.
- Nemes (I.) and Petkovsek (M.). -
Rcomp: A Mathematica package for computing with recursive sequences.
Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 20, n°5-6, 1995, pages 745–753.
- Paule (P.) and Schorn (M.). -
A mathematica version of Zeilberger's algorithm for proving binomial
coefficient identities. Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 20,
n°5-6, 1995, pages 673–698.
- Strehl (V.). -
Binomial identites–combinatorial and algorithmic aspects. Discrete Mathematics, vol. 136, pages 309–346.
- Petkovsek (M.) and Salvy (B.). -
Finding all hypergeometric solutions of linear differential equations.
ISSAC'93, ACM Press, pages 27–33.
- Bergeron (F.) and Plouffe (S.) -
Computing the Generating Function of a Series given its First Terms.
Experimental Mathematics, vol. 1, n°4, pages 308–312.
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