Monomer-Dimer Tilings

F. Cazals, December 1997.

A fundamental problem in lattice statistics is the monomer-dimer problem, in which the sites of a regular lattice are covered by non-overlapping monomers and dimers, that is squares and pairs of neighbor squares. An example of such a tiling for a [Maple Math] chessboard with [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] is depicted below. The relative number of monomers and dimers can be arbitrary or may be constrained to some density [Maple Math] , and the problem can be generalized to any fixed dimension [Maple Math] . This model was introduced long ago to investigate the properties of adsorbed diatomic molecules on a crystal surface [Rob35], and its three-dimensional version occurs in the theory of mixtures of molecules of different sizes [Gug52] as well as the cell cluster theory of the liquid state [CoAl55]. Practically, most of the thermodynamic properties of these physical systems can be derived from the number of ways a given lattice can be covered, so that a considerable attention has been devoted to this counting question. For any fixed dimension [Maple Math] and any monomer density [Maple Math] , a provably good polynomial time approximation algorithm is exposed in [KenAl95]. But exact counting results are still unknown even in dimension two.

The goal of this worksheet is to show that these questions are amenable to an automated computer algebra treatment which goes from the specifications of the coverings constructions in terms of Combstruct grammars, to the asymptotics using rational generating functions and the numeric-symbolic method exposed in [GoSa96]. In particular we shall be interested in enumerating the tilings for a vertical strip of constant width [Maple Math] in terms of multivariate rational generating functions, from which the average number of pieces or the expected proportions of the three types of pieces in a random tiling are easily derived.

This will also enable us to establish a provably good sequence of upper and lower bounds for the connectivity constant [Maple Math] where [Maple Math] counts the number of ways to tile an [Maple Math] cheesboard.

But before getting started, we need to load the Combstruct library, as well as the piece of code doing the asymptotics of rational fractions:

> with(combstruct): with(gfun): read `ratasympt.mpl`;read `./gfsolve.mpl`;


[CoAl55] E.G.D. Cohen et al., A cell-cluster theory for the liquid state II, Physica XXI, 1955.

[Fin97]S. Finch, Favorite Mathematical Constants,
[GoSa96] X. Gourdon and B. Salvy, Effective Asymptotics of linear recurrences with rational coefficients, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 153, 1996.

[Gug52] E.A. Guggenheim, Mixtures, Clarendon Press, 1952.
[Ken95] C. Kenyon et al., Approximating the number of Monomer-Dimer Coverings of a Lattice, Proc. of the 25th ACM STOC, 1993.
[Rob35]J.K. Robert, Some properties of adsorbed films of oxygen on tungsten, Proc. of the Royal Society of London, Vol. A 152, 1935.

[Sloa95] N.J.A. Sloane and S. Plouffe, The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1995.

A step-by-step example

We first observe that the number [Maple Math] counting the different tilings of a vertical slice of width 1 has a well known expression: since height [Maple Math] can be reached from height [Maple Math] by adding a monomer and from height [Maple Math] with a vertical dimer, we have [Maple Math] with [Maple Math] , that is the Fibonacci recurrence. This can be checked directly with Combstruct:

> TGr:={T=Sequence(Union(monomer,dimer)),monomer=Z,dimer=Prod(Z,Z)};

[Maple Math]

And we can retrieve the corresponding rational Generating Function with gfsolve:

> gfsolve(TGr,unlabelled, z);

[Maple Math]

More interesting is the case m=2 which we examine examine now.

Tiling a slice of width [Maple Math]

An example covering of a 2x6 lattice is depicted below. If we draw a horizontal line at height 0, it turns out that we do not `cut' any piece, which we encode by MM. At height 1, we cut the lefmost vertical dimer but just touch the monomer topmost side, which we encode by PM. At height 2 the leftmost P turned into an M since we now touch the dimer boundary, while on the right side we added a dimer and have a P. More generally, we shall assign to each height of the construction containing a monomer or dimer boundary a word of length [Maple Math] on the alphabet [Maple Math] as follows: the [Maple Math] th digit of the word is [Maple Math] if an horizontal line at this particular height splits a vertical domino located in the [Maple Math] th column, and [Maple Math] otherwise. To summarize our example we therefore have MM, PM, MP, MM, MM,MM at the heights 0,1,2,3,4,6. (BTW, M stands for Minus and P for Plus!)

This encoding is not one-to-one since whenever we find two consecutive Ms, we do not know wether they are on top of two monomers or of a horizontal dimer. But it is sufficient to incrementally build all the possible configurations by recording the status of the fringe. If [Maple Math] , the possible fringes are MM,MP,PM and each of them can be derived from a combination of the others and of monomers and dimers. For example, the configuration MM can be reached in 5 different ways by:

-stacking a horizontal dimer H, two monomers C,C, or two vertical dimers V,V on top of a MM configuration,

-adding a monomer C to the right column of a PM configuration or to the left one of a MP.

The remaining transitions follow similar rules. And in order to characterize the ordinate reached by the construction, we can mark the height reached by the bottommost piece whose elevation gain is 1 or 2 at each step of the construction. Putting everything together and associating the symbols [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] to the number of horizontal dimers, vertical dimers, monomers and the height yields the following Combstruct grammar:

> Gr2:={MM=Union(Epsilon,Prod(S, MM, H), Prod(S, MM, C,C),
Prod(S,PM, C),Prod(S,MP, C),Prod(S,S,MM,V,V)),
PM=Union(Prod(S,MM, V, C), Prod(S,MP,V)),
MP=Union(Prod(S,MM, C, V), Prod(S,PM,V)),

The ordinary generating functions can be derived by Combstruct[gfsolve]:

> GF2Sys:=gfsolve(Gr2, unlabelled, z, [[h,H], [v,V], [c,C]]);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

Furthermore we can isolate the GF corresponding to the MM fringes; the coefficient of [Maple Math] in this GF counts the number of ways to tile a chessboard [Maple Math] with respectively [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] horizontal and vertical dimers and monomers:

> GF2:=subs(GF2Sys,MM(z,h,v,c));

[Maple Math]

The number of configurations up to a given height independently of the number and kind of pieces used can be retrieved by erasing the dimers and monomers markers followed by a Taylor expansion:

> GF2h:=subs([h=1,v=1,c=1],GF2);series(GF2h,z=0,11);

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

This sequence does not appear in [Sloa95]. It can be checked that these values match those computed directly from the grammer by Combstruct[count]:

> seq(count([MM,Gr2], size=i), i=0..10);

[Maple Math]

Another way to compute the exact number of tilings for large values of [Maple Math] is through the recurrence equation satisfied by the Taylor coefficients and computed by gfun[diffeqtorec]:

> diffeqtorec(y(z)-GF2h,y(z),u(n));

[Maple Math]

> p2:=rectoproc(",u(n)):

> for i from 1 to 10 do i,p2(i) od;

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

For example:

> p2(1000);evalf(");

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

But as we shall see now, asymptotic estimates can be derived much faster.

Asymptotic estimates of the number of tilings

We have just seen that the number of configurations is encoded by the rational generating function GF2h(z). An elegant way to access its Taylor coefficients is therefore through a full partial fraction decomposition yielding linear denominators:

> fpf:=convert(GF2h,fullparfrac,z);

[Maple Math]

The term in [Maple Math] comes from the contributions of the roots of [Maple Math] in the expansion of

> el:=op(1,fpf);

[Maple Math]

and since there are 3 singularities, the main asymptotic contribution comes from the one with smallest modulus:

> fsolve(-3*_Z+1+_Z^3-_Z^2,_Z);

[Maple Math]

> root1:=RootOf(-3*_Z+1+_Z^3-_Z^2,.3111078175);

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

On this example the dominant pole is clearly [Maple Math] so that the main contribution is encoded by:

> el1:=subs(_alpha=root1,el);

[Maple Math]

> evalf(");

[Maple Math]

Extracting the term in [Maple Math] in the previous expression produces the estimate:

> es2:=n->.2067595751*(1/.3111078175)^(n+1);

[Maple Math]

> seq(es2(i),i=1..10);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

To sum up, from the rational generating function we have:

-performed a full partial fraction decomposition,

-computed the singularities and sorted them by increasing moduli,

-extracted the contribution of the singularity with smallest modulus.

The key step consists in deciding which are the singularity (ies) with smallest modulus (i), and can be performed numerically using properties of polynomials with integer coefficients --see [GoSa96]. This is implemented by the ratasympt function --whose optional [Maple Math] th argument corresponds to the number of singularity layers the user wants to take into account. In particular to retrieve the main contribution, one writes:

> layer1:=ratasympt(GF2h,z,n,1);nbCfs1:=evalf(layer1);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

And to take into account all the layers:

> layers:=ratasympt(GF2h,z,n);nbCfs:=evalf(layers);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

We can check that the second approximation is more accurate:

> evalf(seq(subs(n=i, layer1), i=1..10));

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> evalf(seq(subs(n=i, layers), i=1..10));

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> seq(p2(i),i=1..10);

[Maple Math]

The proportion of monomers and dimers

We now address the computation of the average number of pieces in a random tiling. From the multivariate generating function [Maple Math] we can merge the three types of pieces as follows:

> GF2;stij:=subs([h=t,v=t,c=t], GF2);

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

The coefficient of [Maple Math] in [Maple Math] counts the number of tilings at height [Maple Math] with exactly [Maple Math] pieces of any type. To get the total number of pieces we just have to compute the derivative with respect to [Maple Math] and substitute [Maple Math] :

> sstij:=subs(t=1, diff(stij,t));

[Maple Math]

For example, the total number of dimers and monomers used in all the configurations tilling the square [Maple Math] is 20:

> series(",z=0,5);

[Maple Math]

As before, we can compute an estimate of the total number of pieces in all the configurations at a given height:

> ratasympt(sstij,z,n,1);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> nBDPiecesN:=evalf(");

[Maple Math]

So that the average number of pieces is asymptotically equivalent to:

> avNbD:=expand(nBDPiecesN/nbCfs1);

[Maple Math]

And the average number of pieces per layer in a tiling of height [Maple Math] is therefore:

> asympt("/n,n);

[Maple Math]

The number of occurrences and the proportions of dimers and monomers can be computed in the same way by erasing the irrelevant indeterminates:

> pieceProportion:=proc(MGF, keptPiece)
local forSubs, stij, sstij, nbp;

forSubs:={h=1,v=1,c=1} minus {keptPiece=1};
stij:=subs([op(forSubs)], MGF);
sstij:=subs(keptPiece=1, diff(stij,keptPiece));

And we end up with:

> nbh:=pieceProportion(GF2,h);

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

Plotting routines archive

The figures above were plotted with the following functions:

> dominoH:=proc(x,y) [[x,y], [x+2,y], [x+2,y+1], [x,y+1], [x,y]] end:
dominoV:=proc(x,y) [[x,y], [x+1,y], [x+1,y+2], [x,y+2], [x,y]] end:
dominoC:=proc(x,y) [[x,y], [x+1,y], [x+1,y+1], [x,y+1], [x,y]] end:

> plot([dominoV(0,0), dominoC(0,2),dominoC(0,3),


> plot([dominoV(0,0), dominoC(1,0),dominoV(1,1),dominoC(0,2),dominoH(0,3),dominoV(0,4),dominoV(1,4)], scaling=constrained,color=blue);

Automatic counting in a slice of width [Maple Math]

Computing the generating functions

We now show how to automate the previous computations for any integer [Maple Math] . The first task consists in generating the [Maple Math] words on the binary alphabet [Maple Math] , and this is easily done with a Combstruct grammar as follows:

> allMPWords:=proc(m::integer)
local i, MPGr, mps1, mps2, Pm;

MPGr:={AllMP=Sequence(MP), MP=Union(M,P), M=Atom, P=Atom};
mps1:=allstructs([AllMP, MPGr], size=m);
mps2:=convert(map(proc(x) cat(op(x)) end, mps1), set);
[op(mps2 minus {Pm})]

For example if [Maple Math] :

> allMPWords(3);

[Maple Math]

More interesting is the generation of the transitions between these words. Let [Maple Math] be one of them and suppose we want to figure out all the fringes [Maple Math] can be derived from. Suppose for example the [Maple Math] th letter of [Maple Math] is a [Maple Math] ; this means that the [Maple Math] th letter of the fringe [Maple Math] was derived from was [Maple Math] and that a vertical dimer was put on top of this [Maple Math] . Similar rules applies if the [Maple Math] th digit is a [Maple Math] . And since the letter of a given fringe are independent --except for two consecutive [Maple Math] s that may come from an horizontal dimer, it suffices to recursively examine the digits from left to right as follows:

> #--pattern is the fringe to be built, e.g. MMPMM
recComesFrom:=proc(pattern::string, idx::integer, prefix::string, mul::list, result::table)
local prodRes, m, Mm, Pm;

if (idx>length(pattern)) then #--stores the result into an indexed table
prodRes:=Prod(S,prefix, op(mul));
if not assigned(result[pattern]) then result[pattern]:={prodRes}
else result[pattern]:=result[pattern] union {prodRes}
#--we examine the idx^{th} letter of the target
if substring(pattern,idx)=P then
recComesFrom(pattern, idx+1, cat(prefix,M), [op(mul), V], result)
else #target=M
recComesFrom(pattern, idx+1, cat(prefix,P), mul, result);
recComesFrom(pattern, idx+1, cat(prefix,M), [op(mul), C], result);

#--we may have MM=Prod(MM,H)
if (length(pattern)>idx) and (substring(pattern,idx+1)=M) then
recComesFrom(pattern, idx+2, cat(prefix,M,M), [op(mul), H], result)

#--some extra work for M^m
if pattern=Mm then
result[Mm]:=result[Mm] minus {Prod(S,Pm)}
union {Epsilon,Prod(S,S,Mm,seq(V,i=1..m))}

Here is the table for [Maple Math] :

> table3:=table():for i in allMPWords(3) do recComesFrom(i, 1, ``, [], table3) od:print(table3);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

The tables entries are merged as follows:

> setGrammarFromTable:=proc(aTable)
local aList, transitions, x;
aList:=op(op(aTable));#--[a={Prod(...), Prod(...)}, ...]
transitions:=seq(op(1,x)=Union(op(op(2,x))), x=aList);
{transitions} union {H=Epsilon,V=Epsilon,C=Epsilon,S=Atom}

This yields the grammar:

> Gr3:=setGrammarFromTable(table3);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

This is solved as usual:

> MM3GFSys:=gfsolve(Gr3, unlabelled, z, [[h,H], [v,V], [c,C]]);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

Putting everything together, we end up with a procedure which takes [Maple Math] as entry and returns the grammar:

> getGrammar:=proc(m::integer)
local i, MPTable;

for i in allMPWords(m) do recComesFrom(i,1,``,[],MPTable) od;

local i, MPTable,Grm,MMmGFSys;

MMmGFSys:=gfsolve(Grm, unlabelled, z, [[h,H], [v,V], [c,C]]);

The computation to be carried out being quite heavy for 4-variate generating functions, we can alleviate it be keeping only the markers for the total number of pieces and the height:

> getMmGFunZ:=proc(m::integer)
local i, MPTable,Grm,GrmM,MMmGFSys;

for i in allMPWords(m) do recComesFrom(i,1,``,[],MPTable) od;
MMmGFSys:=gfsolve(Grm, unlabelled, z);


We can now compute the generating functions for small values of [Maple Math] :

> gf:='gf':

> for i from 1 to 5 do i,time(assign(gf[i],getMmGFunZ(i))),gf[i] od;

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

For bigger ones, the grammar size, that is [Maple Math] , inherently yields a linear system [Maple Math] with large coefficients whose resolution is very much time consuming. So that for [Maple Math] , a better alternative to running getMmGFunZ(m) is to retrieve the result in the archive below!

From these generating functions we can easily isolate the main contribution to the asymptotic equivalent with the ratasympt procedure:

> asGf:='asGf':

> for i from 1 to 6 do assign(asGf[i],ratasympt(gf[i],z,n,1)),evalf(asGf[i]) od;

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

It should be observed that these estimates correspond to huge expressions. For [Maple Math] for example:

> asGf[5];

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
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[Maple Math]
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[Maple Math]
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[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
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[Maple Math]
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[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
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[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
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[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
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[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

As observed in [Fin97], if [Maple Math] denotes the number of tilings of a [Maple Math] chessboard, an interesting value for the physical applications is [Maple Math] .

No exact expression for this limit is known, although the approximation 1.940215531 is generally agreed on. The first terms of the sequence can be computed from the previous approximations and are consistent with 1.94:

> nn:='nn':

> for i from 1 to 6 do assign(nn[i],coeff(series(gf[i],z=0,i+1),z,i)),evalf((nn[i])^(1/(i*i))) od;

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

But more interesting is the following observation. Suppose for example [Maple Math] is a multiple of 6. To tile a [Maple Math] chessboard we can put side by side [Maple Math] slices of width 6. In this case [Maple Math] with [Maple Math] the singularity of smallest modulus of the denominator of [Maple Math] . If [Maple Math] is not a multiple of 6, it suffices to complete with at most 5 vertical stripes of width 1, but this does not change the limit. The interest in using as many slices of maximal width is to minimize the number of joints where the overlaps are not taken into account. The sequence [Maple Math] therefore provides lower bounds for the constant [Maple Math] . An upper bound can be obtained in the same way by having slices of width 6 overlap on a position, and the corresponding sequence is [Maple Math] .

> for i from 2 to 6 do i,(1/op(1,denom(evalf(asGf[i]))))^(1./i),(1/op(1,denom(evalf(asGf[i]))))^(1./(i-1)) od;

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

At last a trick we can use to try to guess the value of [Maple Math] is Romberg's convergence acceleration. Let [Maple Math] be a sequence known to converge to [Maple Math] . If the rate of convergence is of the form [Maple Math] , then [Maple Math] is [Maple Math] . On our example, although the upper bound does not make sense due to too erroneous initial values, after a single step the lower bound gets close to the commonly accepted value:

> u[2]:=1.792852404:u[4]:=1.863497010:


[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

Generating functions archive

> gf[1]:=-1/(-1+z^2+z);

[Maple Math]

> gf[2]:=-1/(-3*z+1-z^2+z^3)*(z-1);

[Maple Math]

> gf[3]:=-(z^4+z^3-4*z^2-z+1)/(14*z^2-1+4*z+z^6-10*z^4);

[Maple Math]

> gf[4]:=-(1-4*z-15*z^2+20*z^3+z^7-11*z^5-2*z^6+10*z^4)/(z^9-z^8-23*z^7+29*z^6+91*z^5-111*z^4-41*z^3+41*z^2+9*z-1);

[Maple Math]

> gf[5]:=-(z^18+2*z^17-45*z^16-68*z^15+654*z^14+870*z^13-3820*z^12-4700*z^11+9255*z^10+9448*z^9-11175*z^8-7532*z^7+6956*z^6+1994*z^5-1794*z^4-88*z^3+113*z^2+6*z-1)/(z^20+2*z^19-65*z^18-140*z^17+1281*z^16+2538*z^15-10366*z^14-17604*z^13+38553*z^12+50158*z^11-73623*z^10-60482*z^9+74665*z^8+26564*z^7-35106*z^6-898*z^5+4757*z^4+16*z^3-229*z^2-14*z+1);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> gf[6]:=-(-1+311*z^2-3891*z^3-12057*z^4-315889*z^6-2997721*z^7+218447*z^5+13467571*z^9+8754480*z^8+23*z-458919487*z^18-303976032*z^17+612805499*z^16+207743591*z^15-496137395*z^14-56233657*z^13+240612231*z^12-14684235*z^11-66016499*z^10+206819317*z^20+249194245*z^19-109*z^32-36273*z^29+861*z^31+7443809*z^24+37223601*z^23-123372421*z^21-54160427*z^22-6708699*z^25+z^34-29377*z^28+686517*z^27-338040*z^26+3521*z^30-7*z^33)/(1-576*z^2+6080*z^3+42422*z^4-443404*z^6+12931566*z^7-453004*z^5-83558644*z^9-25517604*z^8-36*z+4169343006*z^18+2978277152*z^17-4669345206*z^16-1630080704*z^15+3235975264*z^14+274712602*z^13-1335612340*z^12+154307596*z^11+295510396*z^10-2310327672*z^20-2919950172*z^19+5736*z^32+1503868*z^29-62874*z^31-149620588*z^24-626694028*z^23+1717916424*z^21+777289050*z^22+141424642*z^25-8*z^35-138*z^34+z^36-94620*z^28-19237868*z^27+13835164*z^26-81796*z^30+1224*z^33);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]





We showed that various parameters related to dimer-monomer tilings such as the average number of pieces or the relative numbers of horizontal dimers and monomers in a random tiling of height [Maple Math] in a strip of width [Maple Math] can be computed very easily using Combstruct and ratasympt. More precisely Combstruct is used to define the grammars the tilings are derived from, and ratasympt is used to perform asymptotic expansions on rational fractions with rational coeficients.

About the number [Maple Math] of different tilings of a [Maple Math] chessboard, altough the method presented here is limited due to the exponential growth of the grammar describing these tilings, the very first terms computed provide provably good upper and lower bounds for the connectivity constant [Maple Math] . More precisely:

Theorem . The connectvity constant for two dimensional monomer-dimer tilings satisfies

[Maple Math] and [Maple Math]