Algolib is a collection of Maple packages that has been developped by the Algorithms Project at INRIA since 1991. The current maintainers are: - Frederic Chyzak (, mainly for Mgfun - Bruno Salvy (, mainly for gfun VERSION The present version, 17.0, is intended to run under Maple17. INSTALLATION 1. Download the files algolib.mla and algolib.hdb 2. Prepend the location of the directory containing those files to the variable libname: libname:="path_to_directory_containing_algolib",libname: 3. Check that the installation was correct by typing _algolibcontent(); which should show the current content of algolib and indicate the version number. Each package of Algolib can then be used using the command with (e.g., "with(Mgfun);" or "with(gfun);"). LICENSE Algolib is released under LGPL v2.1. See lgpl-2.1.txt.