This file describes the installation of algolib for Maple 8. I. Install the files. Under Unix: 1. Download the file: algolib.tar.gz Uncompress it by: gunzip algolib.tar.gz (This creates a file `algolib.tar'; if gunzip was not available on your machine, download the file `algolib.tar' instead.) 2. Restore the files from the archive: tar xpf algolib.tar (Or something similar, depending on your system.) This creates a directory `algolib', and three files in it: `maple.lib', `maple.ind', `maple.hdb'. On a Macintosh or under Windows: Directly download the three files `maple.lib', `maple.ind', `maple.hdb' from the present ftp site. II. Make the algolib library available to your Maple system. To this end, the absolute path to the newly created `algolib' directory has to be put in the Maple global variable `libname'. This is either done once forever in your `.mapleinit' file or has to be done at the beginning of each Maple session by the command libname:="<algolib path>",libname: where `<algolib path>' depends on your system type. Under Unix: The `algolib' path is something like `/foo/bar/.../algolib', so that your command reads: libname:="/foo/bar/.../algolib",libname: On a Macintosh: The `algolib' path is something like `MyDisk:algolib', so that your command reads: libname:="MyDisk:algolib",libname: Under Windows: The `algolib' path is something like `C:\algolib', so that your command reads: libname:="C:/algolib",libname: III. Using the algolib library. Type `?algolib' in a Maple session to get started. Documentaion warning: the algolib documentation should be consulted through the graphical user interface, lest a large part of it might remain unavailable. Beside an enhanced graphical rendering, this will avoid the help pages to be truncated due to a weakness of the text help interface.