Let f1,...,fn and g be polynomials in Q[x1,...,xn], such that the system f1=...=fn=0 and g ¹ 0 has only a finite number of solutions. Following a long series of theoretical papers, G. Lecerf, M. Giusti and B. Salvy propose a new algorithm to obtain a geometric resolution of the zero-set of the system. This algorithm is valid under the hypothesis that the system f1,...,fn forms a reduced, regular sequence outside V(g). This talk presents the complexity of the algorithm, details some crucial steps and finally compares the implementation in Magma called Kronecker1 to other available softwares. It is based on [3].
n(nL+n |
) O |
( | (dd)2 | ) | . |
(nL+n |
) O |
(D)O |
(h). |
q(xn-i+1)=0, |
Q(xn-i,xn-i+1)=0, |
The first series of examples consists in n generic polynomials of degree 2, with coefficients of h decimal digits, for various n and h. The systems have then full degree D=2n. This example aims at illustrating the good behaviour of Kronecker regarding the growth of the coefficients. The timings are given in Table 1. The computations were performed on a Compaq Alpha EV6, 500 MHz, 128 Mb.
n h Kronecker Gb Grevlex + Real Solving 4 4 6 s 0.5s +0.5s 4 8 8 s 1s + 1.3s 4 16 11s 2.5s + 3.7s 4 32 21s 7s + 9.3s 5 4 36s 5s + 18s 5 8 50s 17s + 57s 5 16 88s 65s + 180s 5 32 208s 244s + 592s 6 4 260s 209s + >317s 6 8 412s 773s + ¥ 6 16 875s 2999s + ¥ 6 32 2312s 5652s + ¥
Table 1:
Kronecker Magma Grevlex 5h 13.6h
Table 2:
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