Séminaire du 14 février 2011,
14h00: Ziming Li
, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
On the structure of compatible rational functions.
A finite number of rational functions are compatible if
they satisfy the compatibility conditions of a first-order linear
functional system involving differential, shift and q-shift
operators. We present a theorem that describes the structure of
compatible rational functions. The theorem enables us to decompose a
solution of such a system as a product of a rational function, several
symbolic powers, a hyperexponential function, a hypergeometric term,
and a q-hypergeometric term. We outline an algorithm for computing
this product, and discuss how to determine the algebraic dependence of
hyperexponential-hypergeometric elements. This is joint work with
Shaoshi Chen, Royong Feng, and Guofeng Fu.
Virginie Collette
Last modified: Mon Feb 14 11:30:58 CET 2011