A Tutorial on Closed Difference Forms
Burkhard Zimmermann
RISC, Linz (Austria)
Algorithms Seminar
January 15, 2001
[summary by Frédéric Chyzak]
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Zeilberger's theory of closed difference forms provides with a deeper
understanding of the creative telescoping method used to prove many
(q-)hypergeometric (multi-)sum identities, and of ``companion'' or
``dual'' identities. By introducing new types of summation domains,
the closed form approach allows to discover new identities of the form
``sum equals sum,'' including new summatory representations
of z(3). A transform similar to a pullback (change of
variables) of differential forms is introduced, and permits to find
more new identites. This summary is freely inspired by
[1, 2, 4, 5] and the talk.
1 Comparison Between Differential and Difference Calculi
By mimicking differential calculus [2], Zeilberger has
developped a complete difference
calculus [4]. This theory, which we recal here,
culminates with a discrete analogue to Stokes's theorem.
Given a C-vector space V, which will take the role of a tangent
space momentarily, an alternate multilinear p-form on V
is just a multilinear map f:Vp®C that satisfies
the rule
This represents a p-volume measure, in the sense that it assigns an
(oriented) volume to the paralellepipedic polyhedron determined by the
vectors vi. By a natural convention, 0-forms are just constants.
To a p-form f and a q-form y, one associates a
(p+q)-form, i.e., a (p+q)-volume measure, by means of the
exterior product fÙy:
(fÙy)(v1,...,vp+q) = |
f |
( |
vs(1),...,vs(p) |
) |
y |
( |
vs(p+1),...,vs(p+q) |
) |
where Sp,q denotes the set of permutations of {1,...,p+q}
with s(1)<...<s(p) and s(p+1)<...<s(p+q),
and where e(s) denotes the signature of the
permutation s. Consider the direct
sum A(V)=Åp³0Ap(V) of the vector
spaces Ap(V) of alternate p-forms. By extending the exterior
product by linearity, we obtain an associative multiplication
on A(V), which becomes a graded algebra with the product
rule yÙf=(-1)pqfÙy for a p-form f
and a q-form y.
Next, an alternate difference p-form, or for short a
difference p-form, is a map w which to each element x of
a real manifold M associates a multilinear p-form w(x) on
the tangent space V=TxM. Exterior products of difference forms
are defined pointwise. At this point, difference forms and
differential forms share the same definition. In the following
however, we focus to the case when M is a submanifold of Rd:
each w(x) is then an alternate form on V=Rd. By
imposing the additional property w(x1,...,xd)
=w(ëx1û,...,ëxdû), we
obtain forms that are piecewise constant, as well as their
coefficients. (Compare this situation with the theory in the
differential setting, where one insists in having C¥ forms
and C¥ coefficients.) The possible variations of forms
with x is at the origin of the notions of exterior
differential and exterior difference introduced below.
In the differential setting, a kind of a derivation is defined on
differential forms in the following way. One starts with the usual
derivative w', which satisfies the asymptotic relation
w(x+v)=w(x)+w'(x)(v)+o(v) as v®0.
Each w'(x) is a linear map from V=Rd to the vector space
Ap(V), and can be viewed as a multilinear map from Vp+1
to C that is not alternate, but alternate in its last
p variables only. Making it alternate by an averaging technique, we
obtain the exterior differential dw given by
(d |
= |
(-1)i |
( |
w'(x)(vi) |
) |
(v0,..., |
In the difference case, we start with another linearization instead of
the derivative w' to define the exterior difference
of w, namely by secants instead of tangents. Let
wD(x) be the linear map on V defined by
w(x+v)=w(x)+wD(x)(v)+R(v) and R(v) is
zero for each element v=ei of the canonical basis of V=Rd.
(v0,...,vp)|®wD(x)(v0)(v1,...,vp) is
alternate in its last p variables only, but the full alternate
nature is recovered by the exterior difference dw
defined by
(d |
= |
(-1)i |
( |
wD(x)(vi) |
) |
(v0,..., |
As opposed to the classical exterior differential, exterior difference
heavily depends on the choice of a basis on V; but like it, it
satisfies d°d=0.
Denote (n1,...,nd) the dual basis of the canonical basis of the
manifold Rd that contains M. As in the differential setting,
the exterior difference dni of the restriction of ni to M
(i.e., or the ith coordinate function on M) plays a special role:
the dni form a basis for the ring of difference form, and the
dni1Ù...Ùdnip for i1<...<ip span
the vector space (respectively, free module) of p-forms. Exterior
differential and exterior difference share a formally simple,
easy-to-memorize formulation on the canonical basis
for w=f dni1Ù...Ùdnir, we get
where the exterior differential is df=åi=1d¶
f/¶xidni, and the exterior difference df=åi=1d(Dif)dni, where Di is the finite
difference operator defined by (Dif)(x1,...,xd)
In order to make the link between difference forms and summation, we
restrict to hypercubic manifolds given by setting some of the
coordinates xi to 0 and letting all others vary freely
in [ 0,1), and to the manifolds obtained after translating the
latter by vectors with integer entries. Note that all those
elementary manifolds (in various dimensions) have volume 1, and that
we have restricted difference forms to be constant on such sets. As a
consequence, the integral of a form
f dn1Ù...Ùdnd on [ 0,1)d is
just f(0,...,0), as is for i1<...<ir the integral of
f dni1Ù...Ùdnir on the hypercube
defined by 0£xj<1 for each j=ik and xj=0 for all
other j. By integration over a union of elementary manifolds, we
are naturally led to integral representing sums; for example:
õ |
f dn1Ù...Ùd |
= |
We are now ready to derive a difference variant of Stokes's theorem:
consider the oriented hypercube W=[ 0,1)d and its
boundary ¶W defined as usual as a formal linear
combination of 2d faces,
where F(xi=a) is the (oriented) face
WÇ{ x|xi=a }. Boundaries of other elementary
manifolds are obtained by translating ¶W, keeping the
same coefficients. In this way, we can define the integral of a form
over a linear combination of manifolds to be the very same linear
combination of integrals of the same form over the manifolds. For
w= |
d |
n1Ù...Ù |
(1) |
we get
= |
(-1)i |
õ |
fi d |
n1Ù...Ù |
Ù...Ùdnd |
= |
è |
(-1)ifi(0,...,1,...,0)- |
(-1)ifi(0,...,0) |
ø |
dn1Ù...Ùdnd |
= |
(-1)i(Difi)(0,...,0) dn1Ù...Ùd |
nd= |
õ |
dw. |
We could have as well considered forms w defined on the integer
lattice Zd, and defined their sums åWw on a
manifold W by the integrals òWw of the
form w extended to Rd by w(x1,...,xd)
=w(ëx1û,...,ëxdû). We
shall adopt this equivalent viewpoint from the next section on. By
linearity with respect to manifolds, we obtain the following discrete
variant of Stokes's formula [4].
Theorem 1 [Zeilberger--Stokes formula]
For any difference p-form w such that
=w(ëx1û,...,ëxdû) on
any manifold W that is a linear combination of elementary
hypercubic manifolds, we have
2 Closed Form Identities (Pun Intended!)
An interesting situation is that of a closed (difference) form,
which by definition is a difference form w such
that dw=0. In this case, the sum
å¶Ww=0 for any manifold W on all
of which W is defined, owing to
Theorem 1 above. If more specifically
w is given by (1), we obtain
in other words a relation between a priori infinite sums! Using the
leeway available in the choice of W yields several kinds of
identities: sum equals constant, sum equals sum, etc. In the
following, we detail this situation in the special case r=2. Let us
denote dn and dk for dn1 and dn2,
respectively, and consider a closed 1-form w=g dn+f dk,
so that Dnf=Dkg.
2.1 Stripe-shaped manifolds
W=R+×[ 0,n ]={ (x,y) | x³0 and
0£ y£ n } and the closed form w obtained for
f(n,k)= |
g(n,k)= |
Stokes's theorem on W then yields (after elementary
manipulations of binomial sums)
= |
f(n,k)= |
f(0,k)+ |
= |
More generally, many closed-form identities like the one
above, where ``closed form'' now means that both the summand and the
sum are hypergeometric sequences, correspond to a ``closed form'' that
involves the summand as one of its coefficients. Hence Zeilberger's
``pun intended.''
But some magic takes place here: changing W
to [ 0,k ]×R+ and summing with respect to n instead
of k, the same method sometimes yields a companion identity.
Moreover, the more variables there are, the more amplified this
phenomenon is: for r variables and in lucky cases where all
summations make sense, a single closed difference (r-1)-form with
hypergeometric coefficients can be viewed as a simultaneous encoding
of r closed form summation identities [4].
2.2 Triangular-shaped manifolds
Zeilberger observed that for a closed form w1=g1 dn+f1 dk, the functions fs(n,k)=f1(sn,k) and
gs(n,k)=g1(sn,k)+g1(sn+1,k)+...+g1(sn+s-1,k) provide for
each s>1 with another closed form ws=gs dn+fs dk.
Basing on this, Amdeberhan and Zeilberger [1] derived the
following representations for z(3):
= |
(-1)n(5265n4+13878n3+13761n2+6120n+1040) |
(4n+3)(4n+1)(3n+2)2(3n+1)2(n+1) |
Specifically, they considered
W={ (x,y) | y³ë x+1û } and
the functions
f1(n,k)=(-1)k |
k!2(n-k-1)! |
(n+k+1)! (k+1) |
g1(n,k)=2(-1)k |
k!2(n-k)! |
(n+k+1)! (n+1)2 |
The representations above have respectively been obtained for s=1,
2, and 3; their general terms decrease like O(n-3/24-n),
O(n-227-n), O(n-264-n), respectively---at the cost
of more and more operations for each term, though! Changing W
to Ws={ (x,y) | y³ së
x+1û } leads to other representations [1],
like, for s=2,
= |
(-1)nP(n) |
80(5n+4)(5n+3)(5n+2)(5n+1)(4n+3)2(4n+1)2(2n+1)2(n+1) |
The general term is now O(n-2(27/3125)-n), with
To sketch the proof, we apply Stokes's theorem to ws
on Ws, and obtain:
gs(n,0)+ |
+ |
( |
gs(sk,k)+...+gs(sk+s-1,k) |
) |
Next, noting that g1(n,0)=2/(n+1)3 and grouping the sums over k
yields the announced identity.
2.3 Finite triangular-shaped and rectangular-shaped manifolds
Other identities like
G(x+n)G(y+n) |
G(n)G(x+y+n) |
3F2 |
è |
|1 |
ø |
G(x+k)G(y+k) |
G(k)G(x+y+k) |
3F2 |
è |
|1 |
ø |
and ån+m=s()()=4s are based on other
choices for W, like a rectangle [ 0,k ]×[ 0,n ] or a
``triangle'' { (x,y) | ë xû+ë
yû£ s } for W [5].
3 Closed Forms with Holonomic Coefficients
Consider a closed form w=g dn+f dk with hypergeometric
coefficients. Since f is hypergeometric in n, one can find some
rational function R of (n,k) such that Dkg=Dnf=Rf.
It is also well-known that if a hypergeometric sequences h has a
hypergeometric anti-difference H, there has to be some rational
function S such that H=Sh. Here we get g=SDnf=SRf. This
situation extends to more variables, which legitimates Zeilberger's
focus to closed forms whose coefficients are all multiples of the same
hypergeometric sequence f by polynomials in the variables; he called
such forms WZ forms [4]. Here we extend this
situation to forms whose coefficients are rational multiples of the
same holonomic sequence, and make the link between closed forms and
creative telescoping explicit.
Let a summation identity åk=abfn,k=Fn be given, where
both f and F are holonomic ¶-finite sequences. In view
of verifying it, knowing F allows to compute a non-zero operator
P0(n,Sn) such that P0· F=0. Proving the identity thus
reduces to proving åk=ab(P0· f)(n,k)=0. By restricting
to holonomic hypergeometric summands and right-hand sides,
Zeilberger's presentation essentially only dealt with the case
P0=Sn-1: F can always be assumed to be 1, otherwise we replace
f(n,k) with f(n,k)/F(n). In this spirit, we now require that
P0 be a right multiple of Sn-1 and write P0=(Sn-1)R this
The holonomy of f ensures that there exists a pair (P,Q) with
non-zero P such that
Provided that there exists such a pair for P=P0, the operator Q
can be computed by Chyzak's ¶-finite extension of
Gosper's algorithm [3]. Let A be the algebra of
difference operators with respect to n and k with coefficients
that are rational functions in n and k, and introduce the
module M=A· f. The form
R· f)
Q· f)
whose coefficients all lie in M is closed:
dw= |
( |
(Sn-1)R· f |
) |
- |
( |
(Sk-1)Q· f |
) |
= |
( |
( |
P+(Sk-1)Q |
) |
· f |
) |
dnÙdk=0. |
Conversely, assume that there exists a closed form w (with
coefficients in M) given by (3). By
closedness, we have ((Sn-1)R+(Sk-1)Q)· f=0, whence
after summation over k, and provided that R involves neither k
nor Sk,
More generally, if the r-form f dk1Ù...Ùdkr
+åi=1r(Pi· f) dnÙdk1Ù...dki^...Ùdkr is
(Sn-1)· f+(Sk1-1)P1· f+...+(Skr-1)Pr· f=0,
the r-fold summation åk1,...,krf yields a constant with
respect to n.
4 Extended WZ Cohomology
Is it easily shown that any 1-form with coefficients defined
on Zr is exact. Even more is true: any 1-form with holonomic
coefficients derives from a holonomic sequence. More specifically, a
1-form w given by (3) is exact if and
only if there exists a function f(n,k) such
that w=df, or more explicitly
-(Q· f)=(Sn-1)·f
R· f=(Sk-1)·f.
This always holds if we look for unconstrained f: simply
define f by
f(n,k)= |
(R· |
f)(0,i)- |
(Q· f)(j,k). |
The non-trivial problem is to impose fÎM. (For example, when
f is hypergeometric, all coefficients of w as well as f
have to be rational multiples of f.) Then, not all 1-forms w
remain exact. Vieweing closed forms modulo exact forms we are led to
a cohomology that Zeilberger named WZ cohomology
in [4] in the case of hypergeometric f, and that we
call extended WZ cohomology in the more general case of
holonomic ¶-finite f. Following
Zeilberger [4], we suggest the following extended
research problem: characterize those holonomic ¶-finite
sequences f for which there exists a non-exact closed form with
coefficients in M=A· f and compute the corresponding
5 Pullbacks
In the differential case, the notion of pullback propagates a
change of variables in functions to the level of differential forms,
thus permitting change of variables in integrals: for a differentiable
map f from a manifold N to another manifold M, one gets a
mapping f* that transforms a p-form w on M to a
p-form on N while preserving closedness of forms by simply
=w |
( |
f(x) |
) |
( |
f'(x)(v1),...,f'(x)(vp) |
) |
(4) |
In the difference case, a simple example of a pullback has already
been given in Section 2.2: the closed
form ws is the pullback of the closed form w1 under
the map given by f(n,k)=(sn,k). However, no simple definition of
a pullback seems possible: the obvious guess that
mimicks (4), substituting fD
for f', unfortunately does not preserve closedness (taking finite
differences is not a local operation). Zimmermann [5]
and Gessel independently gave a definition for the case of a linear
mapping f that maps integer points to integer points.
The key observation is that for a linear transform l=f(n),
defined by li=åjai,jnj, shifting by 1 with respect to nj
after performing the substitution induced by f is equivalent to
doing shifts with respect to each li before substituting, as
detailed by the formula Sljf*=f*Sn1a1,j...
Snran,j. It then follows from a technical but easy
calculation that Dljf*=f*åiPi,jDni
for some operators Pi,j. Imposing the natural relations
f*(f)=f°f and f*(df)=d(f*f) for
0-forms f leads to
f* |
( |
(Dnif) dni |
) |
= |
( |
Dlj(f*f) |
) |
d |
= |
f*(Pi,jDnif) dlj.
Choosing f such that df=(Dnif) dni, we get
f*(g dni)=åjf*(Pi,jg) dlj, a definition
that proves to preserve closedness.
- [1]
Amdeberhan (Tewodros) and Zeilberger (Doron). --
Hypergeometric series acceleration via the WZ method. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 4, n°2, 1997,
p. Research Paper 3. 4 pages. --
The Wilf Festschrift (Philadelphia, PA, 1996).
- [2]
Cartan (Henri). --
Cours de calcul différentiel. --
Hermann, Paris, 1977, Collection Méthodes.
- [3]
Chyzak (Frédéric). --
An extension of Zeilberger's fast algorithm to general holonomic
functions. Discrete Mathematics, vol. 217, n°1-3,
2000, pp. 115--134. --
Formal power series and algebraic combinatorics (Vienna, 1997).
- [4]
Zeilberger (Doron). --
Closed form (pun intended!). In A tribute to Emil Grosswald:
number theory and related analysis, pp. 579--607. --
American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1993.
- [5]
Zimmermann (Burkhard). --
Difference forms and hypergeometric summation. --
Master's thesis, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, February
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