Borel Resummation of Divergent Series Using Gfun

Frédéric Chyzak, Marianne Durand, and Bruno Salvy

June, 2001

Abstract : We ex pand on ideas of Balser, Lutz, and Schäfke by showing how coefficients and integrals involved in calculations related to the analytic continuation of Borel transforms obey simple recurrences that lead to efficient numerical computations. This work is a follow-up to a talk by Donald Lutz at our Algorithms seminar, and summarized in [Durand].

1. Borel-Laplace resummation and Euler acc eleration

Starting with a linear differential equation with polynomial coefficients satisfied by a formal power series

[Maple Math] ,

it is possible to compute a differential equation satisfied by the Borel transform of [Maple Math] . We assume that [Maple Math] is Gevrey 1, which means that [Maple Math] for some constants [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] , so that the Borel transform of [Maple Math] defined by

[Maple Math]

is convergent on some neighbourhood of the origin. The Borel transform has an "inverse", the Laplace transform defined by

[Maple Math] .

Provided this integral converges, the function it defines has [Maple Math] for expansion as [Maple Math] +. Then applying the change of variable [Maple Math] to the integral computes the acceleration "a la Euler" [Lutz et al.]

[Maple Math] .

We note

[Maple Math] and [Maple Math] ,

where [Maple Math] is the functional inverse of the rational function [Maple Math] . In terms of formal power series, the product [Maple Math] equals the Taylor expansion of

[Maple Math] ,

where the integrals [Maple Math] are independent of [Maple Math] .

This process is illustrated in the present worksheet using a simple mapping function [Maple Math] on the double confluent Heun equation. The Heun equation is the generic differential equation with four regular singular points located at 0, 1, c, and [Maple Math] , see [DuLoRi92]. The double confluent Heun equation is obtained by letting the singularity located at c tend to the one located at [Maple Math] , and the singularity located at 1 tend to 0. The equation obtained then has two irregular
singular points located at 0 and
[Maple Math] . The example we study is the double confluent Heun equation in the form

> [Maple Math]

> readlib(gfun):

Since the point of interest is infinity and the gfun package works at the origin, we first change the variable (using gfun ):

> heunp:=gfun[algebraicsubs](heun_infp,z*f-1,f(z));

[Maple Math]

We concentrate on the following set of special values for the parameters:

> [Maple Math]

Substitution of these parameters in the differential equation gives

> heun:=subs(paramform,heunp);

[Maple Math]

From this equation, we obtain a recurrence equation for the Taylor series coefficients

> recheunseries:=gfun[diffeqtorec](heun,f(z),u(n));

[Maple Math]

This recurrence yields an efficient procedure to evaluate the coeffici ents recursively:

> heundiv:=gfun[rectoproc](recheunseries union {u(1)=1/2},u(n),remember);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

From this procedure, the divergence is clear from the growth of the first coefficients:

> seq(heundiv(i),i=1..15);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

The generating function associated with the sequence [Maple Math] is divergent. It is possible here to approach the corresponding function using summation to the least term. This method consists in summing the terms [Maple Math] up to the smallest one. Under certain conditions that are fulfilled here, the total differs from the function by the value of this smallest term.

> [Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> plot('calculheundiv'(heundiv,z),z=0..0.3);

As [Maple Math] tends to infinity, the imprecision of this summation grows quickly.

2. Differential equation satisfied by the Borel transform

The class of solutions of linear differential equations enjoys many closure properties which are implemented in the gfun package for the case of equations with polynomial coefficients. One of them is closure under Borel transform. Here is the differential equation satisfied by the Borel transform of the divergent solution of the Heun equation:

> bdeqp:=op(select(has,gfun[borel](heunp,f(z),'diffeq'),z));

[Maple Math]

and the equation specialized at the parameters

> bdeq:=subs(paramform,bdeqp):

From this follows the recurrence satisfied by the Taylor coefficients of the Borel transform:

> collect(gfun[diffeqtorec](bdeqp,f(z),a(n)),a,factor);

[Maple Math]


> l15:=gfun[rectoproc]({subs(paramform,%),a(0)=0,a(1)=1/2},a(n),list)(15);

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

This list corresponds to the list above, the [Maple Math] th element being scaled by [Maple Math] .

This differential equation and this recurrence can be used to compute (but not necessarily fast) the analytic continuation of the Borel transform.

3. The coefficients of the composition with an algebraic function satisfy a linear recurrence

This is another closure property of solutions of linear differential equation that we exploit here. The coefficients [Maple Math] are defined by

[Maple Math]

where [Maple Math] is a rational function and [Maple Math] is defined by

[Maple Math] .

On the example of the Heun equation, with [Maple Math] we obtain

> [Maple Math]

> dneqp:=gfun[algebraicsubs](bdeqp,eq,f(z));

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

and the equation when the parameters are specialized:

> dneq:=gfun[algebraicsubs](bdeq,eq,f(z));

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

The linear recurrence satisfied by the [Maple Math] follows directly

> dnRec:=op(select(has,gfun[diffeqtorec](dneq,f(z),a(n)),n));

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

4. The integrals [Maple Math] satisfy a linear recurrence

The property above does not depend on the specific divergent series [Maple Math] that one is resumming. This allows one to precompute efficiently the integrals [Maple Math] given the mapping function [Maple Math] . Indeed the general theory of holonomic function has recently led to symbolic summation and integration algorithms that turn out to apply to the integral representation of [Maple Math] . The goal of these algorithms is to derive (systems of) linear functional equations, differential or difference, satisfied by a sum or an integral. We now proceed to use a prototypical implementation of them in the package Mgfun to obtain a recurrence on the [Maple Math] . Then, we prove a theorem that by-passes the general theory of holonomic functions, and recover the same recurrence in a more direct way.

(This section uses a version of Mgfun that is not distributed yet.)

> readlib(Mgfun):

> [Maple Math]

> [Maple Math]

> [Maple Math]

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> h[n](t):=%[1];

[Maple Math]

> H[n](t):=%%[2];

[Maple Math]

The meaning of the previous computation is that the differential equation

[Maple Math]

holds. This can be viewed as a differential-difference relation satisfied by the integrand [Maple Math] . Now, integrating between [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] returns a non-homogeneous differential equation in the integral

[Maple Math] ,


[Maple Math] ,

where the integral rewrites in terms of [Maple Math] as

> Int(h[n](t),t=-1..1)=eval(subs(_f=unapply(q[n](z),n,t),ct[1]));

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

As to the non-homogeneous part [Maple Math] , we readily evaluate it, verifying that it is 0 by chance.

> H[n](t):=factor(eval(subs(_f=unapply(F,n,t),H[n](t))));

[Maple Math]

> assume(z>0); assume(n,integer); factor(simplify(limit(op(2,%),t=1)-limit(op(2,%),t=-1))): non_hom:=subs([z='z',n='n'],%); z:='z': n:='n':

[Maple Math]

Consequently, we have obtained the following recurrence on the integrals [Maple Math] .

> collect(eval(subs(_f=unapply(q[n](z),n,t),ct[1])),q,factor)=0;

[Maple Math]

> collect(subs(n=n-4,%),q,factor);

[Maple Math]

More generally, a differential equation with respect to [Maple Math] , or even a system of mixed differential-difference equations could be obtained by the same algorithms.

The following result had not been noticed by Lutz et al., but might prove useful in numerical computations.

Theorem . With the above notations, let

[Maple Math]

be the linear recurrence satisfied by the Taylor coefficients at the origin of a power series solution of the first-order linear differential equation

[Maple Math] .

Then the integrals [Maple Math] satisfy the recurrence

[Maple Math] .

Proof. The differential equation in the statement above is satisfied by the function

[Maple Math] .

Since the integrals [Maple Math] rewrite as

[Maple Math] ,

by integration by parts and differentiation under the integral sign, they satisfy the announced linear recurrence.

The following one-line procedure computes a recurrence on the integral

[Maple Math]

where [Maple Math] is the functional inverse of a rational function [Maple Math] . It takes as input [Maple Math] where all the arguments except the first one are symbols that appear in the output linear recurrence relating the [Maple Math] .

> [Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

Example: [Maple Math]

> qnRec:=recqnofz(1/(1-t)^2-1,t,q,n,z);

[Maple Math]

We have obtained the same recurrence as when using Mgfun .

> qnRec:=applyop(factor,[2,2],applyop(collect,[2,1],readlib(isolate)(subs(n=n+1,qnRec),q(n)),q,normal));

[Maple Math]

5. Numerical experiments

We know the recurrence followed by the [Maple Math] , and we now have to compute initial conditions. By applying the change of variable [Maple Math] , we obtain

[Maple Math]

which gives the following initial condition

> phi:=subs(z=u,solve(eq,f));

[Maple Math]

> assume(z>0):

> q0:=int(exp(-phi/z)*diff(phi,u),u =0..1);

[Maple Math]

> q0:=subs(z='z',q0); z:='z':

[Maple Math]

Note that this initial value is a posteriori obvious.

Thus we now have both recurrence and initial condition. The solution [Maple Math] to the recurrence equation qnRec is a dominated solution, which means that any numerical error grows exponentially. To avoid this, we run the recurrence backwards from any non trivial initial conditions. The dominating solution disappears quickly, and we obtain the solution [Maple Math] because when the recurrence is run backwards it becomes a dominating solution. We therefore add a parameter [Maple Math] indicating from where we start running backwards.

> eval(collect(op(2,isolate(subs(n=n+3,qnRec),q(n))),q,normal),q=proc(n) q(n,z,NN) end);

[Maple Math]

> [Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

Here is a procedure to compute [Maple Math] numerically.

> `evalf/q/digits`:=0:

> [Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

> [Maple Math]

> dnproc:=gfun[rectoproc](dnRec,a(n),remember):

Here is a procedure to compute [Maple Math] numerically.

> `evalf/d/digits`:=0:

> [Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]

Finally, the following procedure computes values of the double confluent Heun function as follows. First, an upper value of [Maple Math] is selected and [Maple Math] is used in the backward recurrence to compute the scaling to use for [Maple Math] in view of the actual initial condition. Then the summation is performed up to the [Maple Math] th term. If the relative error of the last term is larger than [Maple Math] , then [Maple Math] is doubled and the computation starts again. Note that option remember has been used in [Maple Math] so as to avoid duplicating some of the work.

> time(evalf(q(0,10.2,3000),21));

[Maple Math]

> valheun:=subs(_q0=q0,proc(z)
local tot,i,N,NN,lambda,st,D;
D:=Digits+3*ilog10(N) +floor(log(N));

if abs(evalf(d(N),D)*evalf(q(N,z,NN),D)*lambda)<abs(tot)*10^(-Digits) then break fi;

We print information on the number of terms and time used for each point in a plot of the solution from 0 to 15:

> [Maple Math]

> plot(valheun,0..50);

valheun:   "N="   80   "z="   1.089857709   "time:"   .141   "digits:"   17

valheun:   "N="   160   "z="   2.038137074   "time:"   .270   "digits:"   21

valheun:   "N="   320   "z="   3.104576397   "time:"   .579   "digits:"   21

valheun:   "N="   320   "z="   4.178084772   "time:"   .571   "digits:"   21

valheun:   "N="   320   "z="   5.246490950   "time:"   .599   "digits:"   21

valheun:   "N="   640   "z="   6.237040242   "time:"   1.221   "digits:"   22

valheun:   "N="   640   "z="   7.262696659   "time:"   1.080   "digits:"   22

valheun:   "N="   640   "z="   8.323431992   "time:"   1.129   "digits:"   22

valheun:   "N="   640   "z="   9.380765534   "time:"   1.240   "digits:"   22

valheun:   "N="   640   "z="   10.46836305   "time:"   1.201   "digits:"   22

valheun:   "N="   1280   "z="   11.42631952   "time:"   2.520   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   1280   "z="   12.50475163   "time:"   2.369   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   1280   "z="   13.58761188   "time:"   2.601   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   1280   "z="   14.63114838   "time:"   2.750   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   1280   "z="   15.57877949   "time:"   2.800   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   1280   "z="   16.70560455   "time:"   3.110   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   1280   "z="   17.66017317   "time:"   3.219   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   1280   "z="   18.77056341   "time:"   3.340   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   2560   "z="   19.75344692   "time:"   7.290   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   2560   "z="   20.83182591   "time:"   8.091   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   2560   "z="   21.85869773   "time:"   8.440   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   2560   "z="   22.93013074   "time:"   9.180   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   2560   "z="   23.91404071   "time:"   9.710   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   2560   "z="   24.97532053   "time:"   10.209   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   2560   "z="   26.07769200   "time:"   10.941   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   2560   "z="   27.03730960   "time:"   11.229   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   2560   "z="   28.07372290   "time:"   11.961   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   2560   "z="   29.14443926   "time:"   12.589   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   2560   "z="   30.19192632   "time:"   12.810   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   2560   "z="   31.20542392   "time:"   13.741   "digits:"   26

valheun:   "N="   5120   "z="   32.33074020   "time:"   20.060   "digits:"   27

valheun:   "N="   5120   "z="   33.34188693   "time:"   12.880   "digits:"   27

valheun:   "N="   5120   "z="   34.42150189   "time:"   15.039   "digits:"   27

valheun:   "N="   5120   "z="   35.39979350   "time:"   17.241   "digits:"   27

valheun:   "N="   5120   "z="   36.46932464   "time:"   19.520   "digits:"   27

valheun:   "N="   5120   "z="   37.47567008   "time:"   21.760   "digits:"   27

valheun:   "N="   5120   "z="   38.52759104   "time:"   24.110   "digits:"   27

valheun:   "N="   5120   "z="   39.55603605   "time:"   26.450   "digits:"   27

valheun:   "N="   5120   "z="   40.63272267   "time:"   28.740   "digits:"   27

valheun:   "N="   5120   "z="   41.66969985   "time:"   31.479   "digits:"   27

valheun:   "N="   5120   "z="   42.73015878   "time:"   33.841   "digits:"   27

valheun:   "N="   5120   "z="   43.78183659   "time:"   36.099   "digits:"   27

valheun:   "N="   5120   "z="   44.74821926   "time:"   39.000   "digits:"   27

valheun:   "N="   5120   "z="   45.85580287   "time:"   40.981   "digits:"   27

valheun:   "N="   5120   "z="   46.84643885   "time:"   43.800   "digits:"   27

valheun:   "N="   5120   "z="   47.90266342   "time:"   45.850   "digits:"   27

valheun:   "N="   5120   "z="   48.91360511   "time:"   48.260   "digits:"   27

valheun:   "N="   5120   "z="   50.0   "time:"   50.699   "digits:"   27

valheun:   "N="   160   "z="   1.563997392   "time:"   1.450   "digits:"   21

This curve is to be contrasted with the irregular plot we got from the same series using summation to the least term.

Sections 1 and 2 of this worksheet only depend on the Heun differential equation, and can easily be adapted to any linear differential equation. Sections 3 and 4 compute the recurrences satisfied by the coefficients [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] , which depend on the choice of the mapping function [Maple Math] only for [Maple Math] , and on the differential equation as well for [Maple Math] . Section 5 details the numerical computations. It depends on [Maple Math] and on the recurrences found in the previous sections. This worksheet can be adapted to another mapping function and to another linear differential equation.


[Lutz et al.] On the convergence of Borel approximants , by W. Balser, D. A. Lutz and R. Schäfke, (2000). Preprint.

[DuLoRi92] Kovacic's Algorithm and Its Application to Some Families of Special Functions , by Anne Duval and Michèle Loday-Richaud, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing , (1992), vol. 3, p. 211-246.

[Durand] On the convergence of Borel approximants [summary of a talk by Donald Lutz] , by Marianne Durand, (2001). To appear in: Algorithms Seminar, 2000-2001 , INRIA Research Report.